After all the emotional ranting and time-wasting are finished, maybe we can appreciate that this could very well be a blessing in disguise for our track and field athletes.
For many years, concern has been raised over the timing of champs -- just a week before the Carifta Games. In recent times we have seen our power base, the sprints, slowly but surely eroded by superior performances from the Bahamas and from Trinidad & Tobago. One possible reason for our relatively poor showing in our traditional area of dominance is exhaustion on the part of our athletes.
<The annual Inter-Secon-dary Schools Sports Associa-tion (ISSA)/GraceKennedy Boys & Girls' Athletics Champion-ships will be held a week earlier next year because the four-day track-and-field event that is held in the National Stadium coincides with one of Jamaica's FIFAWorld Cup Qualifying (WCQ) matches, which are played at the same venue.>