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 Did fans really fail the team?
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197 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2001 :  12:46:35 PM  Show Profile
Some might argue that "Fans failed the team", but is that the case? Reggae Boyz fans must be given credit for turning out in their numbers to give support to the team. I was very pleased to see the sea of gold as the cameras picked up our fans in the background.

The fact is, fans alone do not win games, and this was shown to us yesterday by Mexico. I do not think that you could say that there were more than two hundred Mexican supporters in The Office yesterday, compared to our thirty five thousand, but their team played like they wanted a win out of the game.

One of the problems with us in Jamaica is our inability to objectively look at our shortcomings and take the necessary steps to correct them. Instead, you will hear the JFF asks "where were you when Mexico scored?" Others might say that it was the fans that failed the team.

Where do we really place the blame? I am sure that if any of us is brave enough to let our opinion known, especially if we are not talking in glowing terms about our coach and system, then we are branded a "waggonist" or fair weather fan. The point is it is not that we do not support the team, but some of us do not view our team with blinders on. Some of us are not prophets of doom, but we see that the way we are doing things we are courting disaster.

Who is really the better fan? The fan that supports blindly through thick or thin, or the fan that tempers his support with some objectivity and a touch of reality? A fan that will call a spade a spade and hope that the powers that be take notice.

If I am to give grades on play and support for yesterday’s game, this is how I would rate them: -

Reggae Boyz: 6.5

Technical staff: 5

JFF: 4

Fans: 8.5

I still think that the fans played their part at least 85% of the way. They forked our hundreds of dollars for tickets, lined up for hours before the game and came fully attired in gold as suggested by the captain. Can you really blame them if the team went flat after the Mexicans equalized and they stopped cheering? I am sure that if the Boyz showed some motivation, the supporters would fall in line with the support. But then, who is responsible for motivating the team?


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Mohandas K. Gandhi

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73 Posts

Posted - Sep 03 2001 :  2:07:41 PM  Show Profile
Why are you even wasting your time with this Tilla? We don't learn until our back is against the wall and even then we don't learn. We look for convenient excuses as opposed to working hard and seeing what went wrong and correcting it.

We have gone from a footballing nation of hard workers to a bunch of excuse makers. This was months in the making and unfortunatley it takes loses for us to see it.

I was extremely upset but I am happy that we lost as we deserved to lose and I for one don't think that we deserve to go to the world cup we need to get back to hard work and fundamentals in order to make it

We have too much damn excuses and this thing of playing club teams for money is crap we can no longer turn down top teams to play clubs and to hell with this Clubs were in pre season mode.

We needed to ask ourself what was the more important quest. Pleasing the club managers or making it to Asia. We chose the former and so I don't want to hear the excuses


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Posted - Sep 03 2001 :  4:14:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Karl's Homepage
The real question is where does the blame lie for us being 9 points and three wins away from WC 2002 at this point in our campaign? Why at this time we are in a dogfight? Why at this time even if we get maximum points from the coming matches the Reggae Boyz may still not see WC 2002?

I will go back to an editorial appearing on the RBSC site on 11/32/2000 "IT'S ON!"


What, then, must be done to guarantee a Reggae Party in the weeks of World Cup 2002? One word? PREPARE!

Detailed planning and organization with layers of contingency plans to take care of the ‘what ifs’ those unexpected injuries, personal emergencies and other factors that certainly will come into play. Excuses will not be tolerated. The Reggae Boyz must be ready. The Reggae Boyz must be ready from the "Get go" as the Americans would say. The team that takes the field for Jamaica's first match on February 27, 2001 must be fighting fit. Mentally, physically, tactically, technically they must be attuned. The individual players, TD De Oliviera and his coaching staff, and the JFF must achieve the necessary level of preparedness to take the team on this leg of the journey on the Orient Express.

End of quote.

The preparation before the start of the Hexagonal was poor. But, the inaction of the JFF at the break after the previous six matches was then and still is inexcusable and unforgivable.

Imagine teams came calling Brasil, Paraguay etc. What were these leaders thinking? As to the 'mad dogs' who attacked when the folly of the JFF's actions were there for all to see.

Yes! There is a chance we'll make it to the Orient...but, this time there will be no papering over past stupid mistakes. Whether we make it to the Orient or not, corrective action is the only way to go. A 'blueprint' for future campaigns must be developed.

Edited by - Karl on Sep 03 2001 16:30:59
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