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The President and the Republicans on compromise

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  • The President and the Republicans on compromise

    The other side and our side have areas of agreement. We can and should work on those issues and make law...however on the President's side the aim is do x, y, z and on the Republican side the aim is to do a, b, c.

    The President's perspective is - If the Republicans do not join on doing x, y, z it shows an unwillingness to compromise.

    The Republicans perspective is - If the President does not join on doing a, b. c it shows an unwillingness to compromise.

    ...both sides are firm on doing only that they have proposed and shall level accusations that the other side is inflexible and unreasonable.

    ...and that is where we are.


    Most business arrangements fall apart when promises or directives are made or given to a party to the arrangement and one party or the other does not live up the given word. It breeds distrust and a forming of belief that the other party can never be trusted. Opinions are formed on credibility and honesty that destroys the ability to on going forward ever working together in harmony.

    The relationship between the President and the Republicans is in that place where each shall go won way.

    The Republicans utterances since the last elections can be summed up in - Our way or the highway!

    The President on his Health Care Initiative as far as the Republicans positions on stated intention to defund or repeal or 'gut' is Not on my watch! Improvements that shall assist entrenching the ACA as policy and law, fine. On defund or repeal or 'gut'? ...'use the highway'!!!!

    Similarly - The President wishes legalization for the vast majority immigrants and that on his watch. The Republicans say, 'no way'!

    There shall be war for the next 2 years! The President shall do! ...and the Republicans shall fume!
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