The bishop's twisted logic
Published: Friday | December 18, 2009
The Editor, Sir: First, it was the defenceless young women in mini skins a few years ago, whose mode of dress he intended to dictate. Now, it is the turn of defenseless children singing cheerfully and beautifully on television and radio.
It was with rapt bemusement that I listened to recent broadcasts on radio about Bishop Herro Blair's concerns for the children shown singing in the Claro ad currently on TV and radio.
First of all, I thought this was the most beautiful, exceptional and refreshing locally produced ad on local television in many years.
Misreading history?
That aside, while I totally appreciate that there are laws in place (and ought to be in place!) against child labour - or any kind of exploitation of children - I find it hard to believe that children using their vocal skills, and so beautifully at that, on radio and TV is what our forefathers were trying to prevent.
After all, this is not exactly the sweat shop of Asia or the Kashmir, where children as young as six are literally chained to a stool for 18 hours per day, seven days a week knitting Persian rugs, is it?
So what is wrong with these children being paid for their efforts? The only exploitation I can see is if these children were not being paid for making such a beautiful and refreshingly entertaining effort, and consequently, for drumming up valuable business for one of the richest companies on Earth. Of course, Herro Blair would not agree.
Church children exploited
My question for Bishop Blair is: The children who take the stage in your church on Sundays wiggling their hands in white gloves and singing to entertain the congregation, would that be exploitation?
Guess not. After all, they're not being rewarded in any way, are they? What a twisted kind of logic!
I think Bishop Blair should stick to the things that he is more qualified to do (whatever those are), and leave 'defenceless' children and young women alone.
I am, etc.,
Old Hope Road Kingston 6
Published: Friday | December 18, 2009
The Editor, Sir: First, it was the defenceless young women in mini skins a few years ago, whose mode of dress he intended to dictate. Now, it is the turn of defenseless children singing cheerfully and beautifully on television and radio.
It was with rapt bemusement that I listened to recent broadcasts on radio about Bishop Herro Blair's concerns for the children shown singing in the Claro ad currently on TV and radio.
First of all, I thought this was the most beautiful, exceptional and refreshing locally produced ad on local television in many years.
Misreading history?
That aside, while I totally appreciate that there are laws in place (and ought to be in place!) against child labour - or any kind of exploitation of children - I find it hard to believe that children using their vocal skills, and so beautifully at that, on radio and TV is what our forefathers were trying to prevent.
After all, this is not exactly the sweat shop of Asia or the Kashmir, where children as young as six are literally chained to a stool for 18 hours per day, seven days a week knitting Persian rugs, is it?
So what is wrong with these children being paid for their efforts? The only exploitation I can see is if these children were not being paid for making such a beautiful and refreshingly entertaining effort, and consequently, for drumming up valuable business for one of the richest companies on Earth. Of course, Herro Blair would not agree.
Church children exploited
My question for Bishop Blair is: The children who take the stage in your church on Sundays wiggling their hands in white gloves and singing to entertain the congregation, would that be exploitation?
Guess not. After all, they're not being rewarded in any way, are they? What a twisted kind of logic!
I think Bishop Blair should stick to the things that he is more qualified to do (whatever those are), and leave 'defenceless' children and young women alone.
I am, etc.,
Old Hope Road Kingston 6