Originally posted by Sir X
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1. You said it years ago in great detail and supported it by saying,thats what they do in the states
LYAD! I have NEVER said that. If I did, find me the link. You may be mistaking me for someone else, or I may have been on crack that day (and I've never done crack).
2.Who said anything ,including the authors that I have quoted/posted on about "develop professional level players" in school boy football.
Edwards' article DIRECTLY STATES: "The unique history and culture of our sports infrastructure, football in particular, obliges ISSA, in tandem with the JFF, to pursue a cooperative path for the development of our youth football." WHAT DO YOU THINK DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH FOOTBALL IS ABOUT???? PLAYING SUNDAY BALL????
3.Our GDP and cultural-historic,economic reality in youth athleticism,make it an ideal enviroment to develop youth footballers who can transition to a professional enviroment e.g like we do with our T&F athletes
If this is the case, why to you keep on bleating about our "economic realities"? Our economic situation is a red herring.
4.You admit that the clubs are not delivering without looking at the factors why,and then suggest a fix ? The admission also implies that the school boy system has been the developmental pathway, if the clubs as you say arent delivering ! That colossal waste you speak of, took us to WC in 98 and a GC final !
Are you frigging kidding me??? School boy football took us the WC98??? LOL!!!!! Okay.
Also - I have a fix, but you are to stupid to understand it. And it is based on copying what has been done in countries that share our economic realities.
If clubs dont have the support economically to support youth development and culturally we are raised on school boy football which is financied by corporate Jamaica,could that be a reason why clubs fail,realistically are we going to go against a 100 plus year culture to support youth development in clubs ? This is not to say that clubs developing youth should not be supported but we have to deal with the reality,unless yuh a gi dem di money.
The point, my pointed headed friend, is that the problem will not be solved with high school football being the pathway. Simple. We should focus on the models that have worked and stick to that - especially looking to Africa as they have similar challenges to us.
Now you might find my response to be zero or tripe,but it really begs the question are you an idiot
Sorry Reek'y - out ah de two ah we, boat might be fool, but you foola dan me -
by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!
LYAD! I have NEVER said that. If I did, find me the link. You may be mistaking me for someone else, or I may have been on crack that day (and I've never done crack).
2.Who said anything ,including the authors that I have quoted/posted on about "develop professional level players" in school boy football.
Edwards' article DIRECTLY STATES: "The unique history and culture of our sports infrastructure, football in particular, obliges ISSA, in tandem with the JFF, to pursue a cooperative path for the development of our youth football." WHAT DO YOU THINK DEVELOPMENT OF YOUTH FOOTBALL IS ABOUT???? PLAYING SUNDAY BALL????

3.Our GDP and cultural-historic,economic reality in youth athleticism,make it an ideal enviroment to develop youth footballers who can transition to a professional enviroment e.g like we do with our T&F athletes
If this is the case, why to you keep on bleating about our "economic realities"? Our economic situation is a red herring.
4.You admit that the clubs are not delivering without looking at the factors why,and then suggest a fix ? The admission also implies that the school boy system has been the developmental pathway, if the clubs as you say arent delivering ! That colossal waste you speak of, took us to WC in 98 and a GC final !
Are you frigging kidding me??? School boy football took us the WC98??? LOL!!!!! Okay.

If clubs dont have the support economically to support youth development and culturally we are raised on school boy football which is financied by corporate Jamaica,could that be a reason why clubs fail,realistically are we going to go against a 100 plus year culture to support youth development in clubs ? This is not to say that clubs developing youth should not be supported but we have to deal with the reality,unless yuh a gi dem di money.
The point, my pointed headed friend, is that the problem will not be solved with high school football being the pathway. Simple. We should focus on the models that have worked and stick to that - especially looking to Africa as they have similar challenges to us.
Now you might find my response to be zero or tripe,but it really begs the question are you an idiot
Sorry Reek'y - out ah de two ah we, boat might be fool, but you foola dan me -
by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr!!!!
