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Tax reform next year

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  • Tax reform next year

    Tax reform next year
    Gov't moves to increase revenues
    Thursday, October 04, 2007

    GOLDING. we have had recommendations before us for a major reform of the tax system
    THE government is looking at introducing outstanding tax reform proposals in 2008/2009 to help increase its revenues, Prime Minister Bruce Golding indicated yesterday.

    The prime minister told members of the diplomatic and consular corps at Jamaica House that speeding up the tax reform process was one of the critical steps the government is planning to take in reducing the country's debt to GDP ratio, which now stands at 130 per cent.

    "In order to reduce the debt, and our heavy reliance on additional borrowing, we are going to have to secure more revenues. We believe that the tax system that now exists is, itself, not assisting in revenue enhancement," the prime minister told the group.

    "We have had recommendations before us for a major reform of the tax system, most of which have not been implemented. It is something that we are looking at seriously," a release from the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) on the meeting quoted Golding as saying.

    The prime minister, according to the JIS, was responding to a query from British High Commissioner to Jamaica, Jeremy Creswell, as to likely government initiatives to tackle the country's debt issue.

    In its report, which contained its recommendations for a tax policy review in 2004, a government committee headed by Joseph Matalon identified the country's debt level relative to GDP as the most significant constraint on the tax reform effort.

    The committee said then that the ratio, which was among the highest in the world, was the most challenging feature of the current economic environment.

    The committee reported that, "while tax administration has undoubtedly improved in recent years, there remains a significant rate of non-compliance".

    Pointing to the other areas of focus of his administration in terms of debt and deficit reduction, the prime minister identified job creating investments as another crucial factor.

    "The fastest way to increase our revenues is to increase jobs, because two-thirds of our revenues are derived either from wage deductions or from consumption tax," Golding said.

    He assured the diplomats that the government was committed to addressing the debt situation, and wants to get to the stage where debt ceilings would be set for the economy.

    "We want to commit ourselves to a phased programme of debt reduction, and we are targeting ultimately to get that debt down to 95 per cent of GDP," he said.

    The prime minister called on the diplomatic corps to extend whatever assistance they could towards investments and trade opportunities that could expand local businesses.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Originally posted by Karl View Post
    Tax reform next year
    Gov't moves to increase revenues
    Thursday, October 04, 2007

    GOLDING. we have had recommendations before us for a major reform of the tax system
    THE government is looking at introducing outstanding tax reform proposals in 2008/2009 to help increase its revenues, Prime Minister Bruce Golding indicated yesterday.

    The prime minister told members of the diplomatic and consular corps at Jamaica House that speeding up the tax reform process was one of the critical steps the government is planning to take in reducing the country's debt to GDP ratio, which now stands at 130 per cent.

    "In order to reduce the debt, and our heavy reliance on additional borrowing, we are going to have to secure more revenues. We believe that the tax system that now exists is, itself, not assisting in revenue enhancement," the prime minister told the group.

    "We have had recommendations before us for a major reform of the tax system, most of which have not been implemented. It is something that we are looking at seriously," a release from the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) on the meeting quoted Golding as saying.
    So said, so it shall be done - Widen the tax base and increase enforcement!

    Pointing to the other areas of focus of his administration in terms of debt and deficit reduction, the prime minister identified job creating investments as another crucial factor.

    "The fastest way to increase our revenues is to increase jobs, because two-thirds of our revenues are derived either from wage deductions or from consumption tax," Golding said.
    So said, so shall it be done - Increase spending on social services and infrastructure!

    ...and, continue on the same path to encourage investments...borrowing...seeking grants and other assistance...while hoping and praying that our local private sector come up to speed!

    ...as the PNP planned and did - "No changing course"!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      stop talking crap.

      The PNP did no such thing. When did they change the tax code?

      It is simple that you have to borrow at lower rate to pay down your debt.

      Have you ever done that?

      How you don't mention the job creation part?

      YOu need to read the whole thing. While questions need to be raised the PNP stood by and took no action.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Assasin View Post
        stop talking crap.

        The PNP did no such thing. When did they change the tax code?

        It is simple that you have to borrow at lower rate to pay down your debt.

        Have you ever done that?

        How you don't mention the job creation part?

        YOu need to read the whole thing. While questions need to be raised the PNP stood by and took no action.
        Sass, you and Maudib need fi tek a step back now and again and allow the fools to be themselves ..... FOOLS.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          stop talking crap.

          The PNP did no such thing. When did they change the tax code?
          I wonder who commissioned the Matalon Report?

          It is simple that you have to borrow at lower rate to pay down your debt.
          You meant to service the debt...therefore freeing up monies to do other things including paying down your debt? Right?

          That is what happened under the PNP Omar Davies
          stewardship. The some debt that was on a 5 year repayment schedule...moved to 10 year amortization scheduled...and, is now on 30 years amortization schedule.

          Why do you think the INR were built up. The PNP were honouring all debts!
          There has to be a balancing act between taking care of obligations...incurring new debt to balance the budget and keep progressing. That is important in a wide contextual range - e.g. keeping climate for investments (Did you all take notice that investments were pouring in?), prevent a social explosion - stave off great social unrest...give people avenues to take care of their lives...etc., etc.

          Unnuh need fi stap di... (sigh!) unnuh need fi start tell truth! The elections are over!

          How you don't mention the job creation part?
          Did you bother to read all that I posted!

          ...or, you missed the part about increasing spending on projects to relieve social pressure - spending social services and infrastruture.

          unnuh need fi stap di fibbin! Elections over!

          YOu need to read the whole thing. While questions need to be raised the PNP stood by and took no action.
          Not true! ...still more playing with the truth...unuuh need fi walk up! Election dun!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Originally posted by Lazie View Post
            Sass, you and Maudib need fi tek a step back now and again and allow the fools to be themselves ..... FOOLS.
            Those talking what nuh guh suh should really - step back! Elections over!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              karl...mi nuh get it..yes elections over but from your mouth yuh start campaigning for the next election already and as YOU seh...people mek all kinda statement and promises in election mode...are we therefore to be in a constant state of electioneering?

              ah bwoy.....nuh wonder jamaica suffers so.

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                "I wonder who commissioned the Matalon Report?"

                It nuh matter who commissioned it. The PNP took no step since it was commissioned so what is the difference? Just like the other many reports they buried.

                "You meant to service the debt...therefore freeing up monies to do other things including paying down your debt? Right?

                That is what happened under the PNP Omar Davies
                stewardship. The some debt that was on a 5 year repayment schedule...moved to 10 year amortization scheduled...and, is now on 30 years amortization schedule.

                Why do you think the INR were built up. The PNP were honouring all debts!
                There has to be a balancing act between taking care of obligations...incurring new debt to balance the budget and keep progressing.

                Unnuh need fi stap di... (sigh!) unnuh need fi start tell truth! The elections are over! "

                The JLP position is that Omar was not aggressive enough and was irresponsible or t he debt wouldn't reach 3 billion. It make no sense to be rescheduling while borrowing at higher rate and more than you rescheduling.

                I need not to reply to the rest
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                  karl...mi nuh get it..yes elections over but from your mouth yuh start campaigning for the next election already and as YOU seh...people mek all kinda statement and promises in election mode...are we therefore to be in a constant state of electioneering?

                  ah bwoy.....nuh wonder jamaica suffers so.
                  It may appear to be that my poster does not jibe with the byline -"elections are over"...but, all I am saying join the fray if you must, but - TRUTH only pleease!

                  ...and, AGREED!
                  ..some energy might be better used to move FORWARD rather than on pointing out wrongs of the JLP and or promoting 'campaign mode' for the next elections.

                  So who should first call halt for breathing space...those who promote JLP lies or those campaigning for the next elections on the PNP's behalf?
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    what is INHERENTLY wrong with this statement?

                    So who should first call halt for breathing space...those who promote JLP lies or those campaigning for the next elections on the PNP's behalf?

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Assasin View Post

                      The JLP position is that Omar was not aggressive enough and was irresponsible or t he debt wouldn't reach 3 billion. It make no sense to be rescheduling while borrowing at higher rate and more than you rescheduling.

                      So you over look the misleading statements...some would say, untruths...you made and now turn to the above.

                      OK - Let me ask you one question - Given the Jamaica the PNP inherited in 1989, what would you do to address the plight of the people - low wages, many unemployed...increasing numbers joining the workforce without corresponding availability of jobs?

                      Would you reduce borrowings, reduce spending on social services, reduce 'government'...and sit tight while hoping there would be not 'blowing off of the top' - the JLP losing the 1989 elections said 'the top was about to blow' and the people opted to throw the JLP out and bring in the PNP rather than have civil disobedience and or civil war - and that the private sector would come up to speed in creation of businesses and jobs?

                      ...or, would you increase borrowing, seeking foreign assistance, negotiate longer and longer terms of amortization of loans - making serving of loans less onerous and opening up other avenues for more loans (funds to inject for social relief and creating more investor friendly climate ...and, to engage in balancing the budget (funds of recurrent expenses and new capital projects)...relieve the 'social pressure...giving longer period for the private sector to come up to speed?

                      Aside: You do realise that we have been waiting from 1944 to present for our private sector to come up to speed?
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        the problem is the PNP didn't solve the problems the inherited regardless of how much them borrow. Crime climbed, unemployment about the same, higher school fees, you name it and instead we have a deficit that is out of control.
                        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Karl View Post
                          So you over look the misleading statements...some would say, untruths...you made and now turn to the above.

                          OK - Let me ask you one question - Given the Jamaica the PNP inherited in 1989, what would you do to address the plight of the people - low wages, many unemployed...increasing numbers joining the workforce without corresponding availability of jobs?

                          Would you reduce borrowings, reduce spending on social services, reduce 'government'...and sit tight while hoping there would be not 'blowing off of the top' - the JLP losing the 1989 elections said 'the top was about to blow' and the people opted to throw the JLP out and bring in the PNP rather than have civil disobedience and or civil war - and that the private sector would come up to speed in creation of businesses and jobs?

                          ...or, would you increase borrowing, seeking foreign assistance, negotiate longer and longer terms of amortization of loans - making serving of loans less onerous and opening up other avenues for more loans (funds to inject for social relief and creating more investor friendly climate ...and, to engage in balancing the budget (funds of recurrent expenses and new capital projects)...relieve the 'social pressure...giving longer period for the private sector to come up to speed?

                          Aside: You do realise that we have been waiting from 1944 to present for our private sector to come up to speed?
                          Fi a man whey start follow Mosiah and talk bout 'untruths' yuh need fi get yuh facts straight. The PNP inherited the economy in a much better state they left it in 1980 and in 2007. Suh stop fool yuhself. Many may have been unemployed, tell me when the PNP ever created 25,000 jobs?

                          Describing you as comical isn't telling the whole story. Unuh getting more pathetic now.
                          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                            the problem is the PNP didn't solve the problems the inherited regardless of how much them borrow. Crime climbed, unemployment about the same, higher school fees, you name it and instead we have a deficit that is out of control.
                            Get it through your head - There is no solution until we earn more than we spend!

                            There can be breathing space...such that hopefully the day will come when we earn more than we spend!

                            For a *short term solution = near term solution: We better hope we discover enough oil or some other widely desired product!
                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                            • #15
                              why wi better hope suh? yuh mean wi not poised for take off without that discovery?

                              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

