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Perkins - Nurses (now online on Power 106 FM)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Gamma View Post
    i may have missed something karl...can you explain your own opinion on that issue and why? i'm VERY curious to know.
    Gamma: Let us look at JA.

    How many health care institutions do we have that need nurses?
    How many nurses do they need?
    How many of our nurses will leave our health services each year?

    We can factor in numbers that are needed during the period over which the nurse-training institutions are turning out nurses to fill our needs...and, the numbers of nurses thay shall turn out each year after our needs are filled...even as attrition rate and the coming on stream of new and or expanded health care facilities occur.

    Firstly do we continue to train nurses? Do we close the nursing institutions and lose the experitse of those who qualify themselves to 'groom' nurses and those who would seek to replace those persons? Do we lose those eduucational facilities?

    If we keep them open and continue to produce excess nurses, what happens to any excess capacity of trained nurses?


    Secondly: Then, there is the matter of similar situations in other disciplines - after full needs are met...

    It is a fact that we are a small country with ever increasing population with ever increasing rate of life expectancy.

    I leave you...to consider what is missing in Perkins', Maudib's and the klan's nonsense position...


    I'll just say...again...
    Solutions to our problems is not a simple as the 'tale' the JLP has foisted on us!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      i see the questions, what are the answers? i didn't hear the perkins broadcast, are they talking about altogether not training nurses or what? maybe if i understood that it would make more sense to me.

      on the other hand maybe "i shudden mek dis 'ot up mi 'ead"

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #18
        So you agree that Jam should educate nurses for other people for other countries without getting paid back? You dont beleive in bonding?


        • #19
          Heh, heh... The World is the World eediat..

          The WORLD GREW over the past 2 decades.. left us behind eeeediat !

          Bout isolation.. ISOLATE WHAT MEK YARD DIFFRANT !

          Rate of growth of population..heh, heh. Gwaan dig fi excuse fi underperformance.. part of the problem..recognize yuhself.


          • #20
            Said the madman...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Willi View Post
              So you agree that Jam should educate nurses for other people for other countries without getting paid back?
              ...but, Ill go further: It is impossible to not receive "pay"! IMPOSSIBLE! There will be returns even if the nurses 'run weh'! Repeat -It is IMPOSSIBLE not to receive a return!

              You dont beleive in bonding?
              I do believe there is a place for 'bonding'...and, some type of return/compensation if the person(s) in such 'bonding contracts' wish(es)
              to 'break' the contract.
              Last edited by Karl; October 3, 2007, 06:31 PM.
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                Heh, heh... The World is the World eediat..

                The WORLD GREW over the past 2 decades.. left us behind eeeediat !

                Bout isolation.. ISOLATE WHAT MEK YARD DIFFRANT !

                Rate of growth of population..heh, heh. Gwaan dig fi excuse fi underperformance.. part of the problem..recognize yuhself.
                Well - what is the size of our underground economy? When factored in
                comparison with the countries you are comparing us? ...and, when our underground economy is factored in and those countries are factored in...i.e. growth of total economy does that make a difference? ...are we now found to be doing better than you all thought?

                You do know that ...eidat love call others ediat!
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                • #23
                  oh so now yuh draw di 'underground economy' cyard.

                  Is that something to be proud of now.. a 'underground economy'... there is a reason why it is called underground.. is who drive dem underground ?

                  FAILURE ! Ah FAIL DEM FAIL ! Spin it how yuh want.. AH FAIL DEM FAIL !


                  • #24
                    Um.. no-one is arguing the existence of return.. remember the issue is HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO INVEST TRAINING DOLLARS !!!!


                    Stap argue that the World is Round.. we all agree on the obvious !!


                    • #25
                      If Jamaica is awashed with nurses then salary would be relatively low to countries that has a shortage of nurses.
                      I am against chaining Jakan nurses to Ja by way of huge debts when it appears their training will, at some point, be cheap if not free.

                      Last edited by Rockman; October 3, 2007, 09:17 PM.


                      • #26
                        The bonding would be paid by the recruiters!!!

                        Training is never free, unless the trainers dont get paid and the classroom is outdoors!

                        Jam. is NOT awash with nurses. Everywhere have shortage, just that the richest locations will steal from other places. Our nursing standards are valued, so we are a prime target. UK robs us, Canada robs the UK and the US robs everyone!

                        Again, why would Jam. invest MORE in nursing training if there is no HIGH direct return. Waiting for remittances is hit and miss, as there is no guarantee, and any way, the Govt spends, but who remits to Govt?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                          Um.. no-one is arguing the existence of return.. remember the issue is HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO INVEST TRAINING DOLLARS !!!!

                          MAXIMIZING RETURNS !!! GET WITH THE PROGRAM !!!

                          Stap argue that the World is Round.. we all agree on the obvious !!
                          That was not what was stated - It was in context of our health care situation as it relates to training nurses, satisfying current needs for nurses - with an eye on our current uneducated, untrained work-force and the need to work towards full employment to among others things - i) improve lives and ii) relieve the attendant social unrest unemployment, under-employment brings.

                          What is our reality - Jamaica a small island...limited job market...with high levels of illiteracy, unemployment and under-employment...some degree of social unrest - fustration, if you will, as the jobs are not available to absorb the numbers entering the job market each year from the various education institutions ...and with no short-term prospects to turn that situation around.

                          The guest to Perkins' talk-show suggested that a part of the solution lies in training our nurses - this as the situation of the president of the NAJ-nurses/Audley Shaw-Government demand/response/lying issue led into/dovetailed ...indeed was the matter/issue Perkins used to intertwine the discussion - to satisfy Jamaica's total need for nurses and excess trained be used to as the guest opined - "enter growing markets
                          for nursing skills as life-expectancy increases and larger and larger numbers of people as a result of population growth and growth in retirees needing health-care increases.

                          Perkins came with the same nonsense argument you put up. That argument does not address our current reality and the matter of markets being outside of the island that can absorb our 'trained unemployed' thus helping to improve our people's lives and relieve the strain on the society that once full employment in the nursing professional is attained - unemployed nurses would create. ...and, as some specialist nurses expectations are not being fulfilled - even as they are currently employed - because they are not employed using the full range of their specialist training as there are not enough of those positions available.

                          The underlying unspoken message was a similar relieving of the pressure to the society - our large numbers of unemployed and under-employed workers create - could be aided by trained workers unable to find employment looking to markets outside of the island.

                          The elections are over - the JLP lying to the people must now cease! Cho man , Maudib get real!

                          The truth is that truism of our trained who for one reason or another that leave the island to seek employment - seek their fortune - is already a proven workable aid to improving lives and relieving pressures that unemployed and or under-employed walking around brings. Living proof are the vast numbers of professionals and other trained workers living outside of the island and steady exodus of persons in those numbers - lawyers, doctors, engineers, nurses, teachers, maids, cooks, those who work on ships, farm-workers, truck drivers, and the list goes on almost ad infinitum.

                          The JLP and its apologists lying to the people must cease! The elections are over!
                          Last edited by Karl; October 4, 2007, 07:19 AM.
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

