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Opposition launches broadside in first working sitting of ..

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  • Opposition launches broadside in first working sitting of ..

    Opposition launches broadside in first working sitting of parliament

    Wednesday, 03 October 2007

    The Parliamentary Opposition demonstrated Tuesday that it meant business when the first real sitting of the House got underway.

    Three new Government Ministers who presented statements on issues affecting their portfolios were placed in the hot seat.

    Intense verbal sparring was always on the cards.

    Parliamentarians did not disappoint Tuesday - Opposition front-benchers, used their experiences to good effect.

    The probing was intense, the atmosphere, cordial.

    Leader of Opposition Business, Dr. Peter Phillips fired the opening volley at Industry and Commerce Minister Karl Samuda.

    Along with Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Dr. Omar Davies, they sparred over the effects of the removal of a cess by the Government to thwart the cement shortage.

    Dr. Davies fired volleys at his long time Parliamentary rival, Finance Minister Audley Shaw, talk about tables turning.

    He called for evidence to substantiate claims that a mood of optimism prevailed around the Government's economic plans.

    Newcomer, Dr. Christopher Tufton's also took the hot seat.

    His statement on the sugar industry was greeted by a volley of questions.

    In the ensuing exchange, Opposition Spokesman on Agriculture, Roger Clarke had this to say, "In terms of the funding for next year's crop, this administration is not there now to prepare for next crop, it is yours to prepare for next crop. So you can't tell us we didn't leave any money, where did you find it."

    So nothing slipped by a vigilant and vocal Opposition and Government members came quite prepared.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Minister of Finance and Opposition Spokesman spar over economic plan

    Signs of interesting times to come surfaced at Tuesday's sitting with Opposition Spokesman on Finance Dr. Omar Davies sparring with Finance Minister Audley Shaw and Prime Minister Bruce Golding.

    Dr. Davies jumped to his feet after Mr. Shaw presented his statement to the house in which he presented five pillars which he said will guide his government's economic programme.

    These include a credible debt reduction plan; a policy to lower the cost of electricity over time; a commitment to ensure an efficient and highly motivated public sector; tax reform and investment promotion.

    Mr. Shaw spoke of what he described as a pervasive air of expectancy that has accompanied the Jamaica Labour Party into government.

    Dr. Davies wanted to know the basis of this optimism.

    "I believe that the market would be very interested in the basis for that optimism. The Bank of Jamaica instrument quickly followed by the instrument from the Ministry of Finance is for one year at 14 per cent. So we would all benefit from an appreciation of your reason for believing that this increase is short term," said Dr. Davies.

    In response, Mr. Shaw promised to present a clearer economic picture when he tables the first supplementary estimates.

    Soon after Dr. Davies grappled with Mr. Golding over so-called promises he made to the sugar industry in relation to a five US cent subsidy per pound of sugar.

    For his part Mr. Golding chided Dr. Davies for misrepresenting him and declared "as long as we are going to have to carry the burden of the sugar industry, it will be the excess of 5 US cents".

    He was quick to make reference to the fact that the People's National Party Government has spent much more subsidising Air Jamaica over a protracted period.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      Bring yu lunch pan because
      it's going to be a long day.


      • #4
        Where is the substance in this report?



