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Pay up Audley!!!

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  • Pay up Audley!!!

    You said it, so live up to it. FIND THE MONEY.Also, apologise to the lady for saying you did not.

    I want to apologise to her, as I thought she was recklessly bluffing and pursuing a bad strategy, as she did not provide the evidence till now.

    Caught! - Tape reveals finance minister's double-pay promise for nurses
    published: Tuesday | October 2, 2007

    Left: Shaw... "While doubling the nurses' [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]salary[/COLOR][/COLOR] might appear to be ambitious, I don't believe it is. I believe that in the context of where you are starting from, it is still a relatively modest pay." Right: Allwood-Anderson ... "The NAJ, by November, will be submitting our claim and we expect that the Minister of Finance will be true to his word, of doubling nurses' salary."

    The [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Nurses[/COLOR][/COLOR] Association of Jamaica (NAJ) yesterday tightened the screws on Finance Minister Audley Shaw, sharing details of a recording in which Mr. Shaw, then in opposition, gave several commitments to significantly increase their [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]compensation [COLOR=orange! important]package[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
    It was on July 19, 2006 that Mr. Shaw, addressing the nurses at a Founders' Day function, promised, among other things, to see to the doubling of their pay, upon becoming finance minister.
    "I would like to give the commitment that, as minister of finance, that would have to be just the starting position", he said then, in reference to the 100-per-cent [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]pay [COLOR=orange! important]increase[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
    There was much more that would have to be done over time to take the pay of nurses up to an acceptable standard, he said.
    In that address Mr. Shaw first identified two specific measures that he said should be introduced to improve the lot of nurses. One was a 'risk differential', a special allowance which would be given to nurses [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]working[/COLOR][/COLOR] on night shifts or other odd hours. The other measure he identified was the scrapping of taxation on overtime pay. "We believe that overtime work for nurses should not attract any taxes," he stressed.
    Having got the attention of the nurses with those two measures, Mr. Shaw then went on to the issue of take-home pay, prefacing his remark with the somewhat prophetic comment: "I hope I don't get myself into deep trouble for this!"
    Referring to calls being made then by Edith Allwood-Anderson, NAJ president, for nurses' pay to be doubled, he said, "I want to publicly support that position."
    That measure, he argued, was not a great deal. To illustrate his point, he helpfully calculated that it would merely mean that a nurse, with a master's degree in Jamaica, would see her US$540-per-month salary moving up to $1,080 per month. This was "only 20 per cent or 15 per cent" of what she would be receiving in the United States, he suggested.
    "While doubling the nurses' salary might appear to be ambitious, I don't believe it is. I believe that in the context of where you are starting from, it is still a relatively modest pay," he stated.
    As for where the money would be found to deliver on this promise, the then opposition spokesman on finance said this could be realised by "cutting out the corruption and nepotism" in the award of government contracts.
    Doubling the nurses' pay would cost the country only $4 billion, he asserted, calculating that by avoiding "just one scandal alone we can find one year's potential salary towards you getting that double compensation".
    As if anticipating that his audience would not take his words seriously, he added, "I don't want you to be cynical about it!"
    Mrs. Allwood-Anderson, add-ressing a Gleaner Editors' Forum last week, recalled this promise, asserting that she had it on tape. She said that the NAJ would be holding Mr. Shaw to his words, given freely at the Founders' Day luncheon.
    When questioned by The Gleaner afterwards, Mr. Shaw said that he could not recall making any such commitment.
    Yesterday, as Mrs. Allwood Anderson reviewed the tape, she could not resist an impish smile as she heard once again, the promises made by Mr. Shaw, who is now responsible for the national purse. "The NAJ, by November, will be submitting our claim and we expect that the Minister of Finance will be true to his word, of doubling nurses' salary," she emphasised.

  • #2
    Oh my, oh my.....
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.


    • #3
      damn irresponsible...

      The other measure he identified was the scrapping of taxation on overtime pay. "We believe that overtime work for nurses should not attract any taxes," he stressed.

      where else do you see this... no taxation on overtime pay... some people will do anything for power...
      'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


      • #4
        Well lets us see how Lazie et al will try to spin this one now..he kept asking for proof and I bet he will say Gleaner fabricated this one and he does not believe a word of it.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Willi View Post
          I want to apologise to her, as I thought she was recklessly bluffing and pursuing a bad strategy, as she did not provide the evidence till now.
          Well, go right ahead, Willi! Don't let us stop you!

          At least you have the decency to "want to apologise". (Just rubbing it in, Willi. Chill!) Lazie, Maudib, Assasin, Comment and all the rest who followed backa Mutty Perkins, dragging the woman's reputation through the Belmont Road gutter will never exhibit such class. I can't remember the words used by Assasin, something like gestapo tactics. As soon as y'all come from your meeting, step to the plate. Of course, rinse yourselves clean from all the gutter slime! Even Bricktop took me to task about it. Brickie, I'm hereby withdrawing my apology to you and I am also re-inserting the word "other" in my earlier statement on the matter!

          The nurses should hold the govt. to this just for their arrogance. How dare you tread upon someone's character after you lied your way into govt.! (Ooops! Am I using the word "lie" carelessly again? Can someone point out to me how this is not a LIE!? And how it is not also DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER?! Thanks! )



          • #6
            You are not going to see the Real Poppy Show Brigade for days. They are awaiting instructions from Mutty.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Willi View Post
              ...Mr. Shaw then went on to the issue of take-home pay, prefacing his remark with the somewhat prophetic comment: "I hope I don't get myself into deep trouble for this!"

              When questioned by The Gleaner afterwards, Mr. Shaw said that he could not recall making any such commitment.
              Audley Shaw should consider whether he needs to sit that CAPE exam. If the govt. does not find a way to double the nurse's salary, Audley Shaw should resign.

              And he has the temerity and gaul to continue his denial.

              Imagine - financing the country's budget on money saved by avoiding scandals. !

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                Well, go right ahead, Willi! Don't let us stop you!

                At least you have the decency to "want to apologise". (Just rubbing it in, Willi. Chill!) Lazie, Maudib, Assasin, Comment and all the rest who followed backa Mutty Perkins, dragging the woman's reputation through the Belmont Road gutter will never exhibit such class. I can't remember the words used by Assasin, something like gestapo tactics. As soon as y'all come from your meeting, step to the plate. Of course, rinse yourselves clean from all the gutter slime! Even Bricktop took me to task about it. Brickie, I'm hereby withdrawing my apology to you and I am also re-inserting the word "other" in my earlier statement on the matter!

                The nurses should hold the govt. to this just for their arrogance. How dare you tread upon someone's character after you lied your way into govt.! (Ooops! Am I using the word "lie" carelessly again? Can someone point out to me how this is not a LIE!? And how it is not also DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER?! Thanks! )
                Speaking of lying... provide evidence of me dragging the woman reputation anywhere.

                Y'all need to calm down.

                Election is over.. serious work needs to be done and serious tings investigated..


                • #9
                  and quickly with PUBLIC apology!!!! ....cock mout'.....

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    Audley Shaw should consider whether he needs to sit that CAPE exam. If the govt. does not find a way to double the nurse's salary, Audley Shaw should resign.

                    And he has the temerity and gaul to continue his denial.

                    Imagine - financing the country's budget on money saved by avoiding scandals. !
                    LOL !! WHOOOEEE !!!

                    Omar set the bar waaaay higher dan dat.

                    Tek time Mosiah.

                    LOL !!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                      Well, go right ahead, Willi! Don't let us stop you!

                      At least you have the decency to "want to apologise". (Just rubbing it in, Willi. Chill!) Lazie, Maudib, Assasin, Comment and all the rest who followed backa Mutty Perkins, dragging the woman's reputation through the Belmont Road gutter will never exhibit such class. I can't remember the words used by Assasin, something like gestapo tactics. As soon as y'all come from your meeting, step to the plate. Of course, rinse yourselves clean from all the gutter slime! Even Bricktop took me to task about it. Brickie, I'm hereby withdrawing my apology to you and I am also re-inserting the word "other" in my earlier statement on the matter!

                      The nurses should hold the govt. to this just for their arrogance. How dare you tread upon someone's character after you lied your way into govt.! (Ooops! Am I using the word "lie" carelessly again? Can someone point out to me how this is not a LIE!? And how it is not also DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER?! Thanks! )
                      Nobody dragged the NAJ's president thru the mud, stop the lying. All I've ask for was for the tape to be released. You telling lies on the IJJ too. How is asking her to mek him air the tape dragging thru mud?

                      Now the tape buss we realize who was levelling with us.
                      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sickko View Post
                        Well lets us see how Lazie et al will try to spin this one now..he kept asking for proof and I bet he will say Gleaner fabricated this one and he does not believe a word of it.
                        Hope yuh comrade Mosiah see this, "he kept asking for proof." Why would I accuse the gleaner of fabricating anything?
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #13
                          If you notice I wasn't around.
                          I will simple say the lady have the tape to back her position and that was all I asked for.

                          Mr. shaw better remember and start talking fast. I hold now water fi any a them politiican so if you want lump me in the political brigade so be it.

                          Audley Shaw should have been wiser in his political comment so now him better deal with it. At the same time I advocate as I did before for meeting in the town square before taking the airwaves.

                          I used no such words "gestapo tactics" I said she used the "bully pulprit' because of the fact that she went to the airwaves before even meeting the offical ministries, don't change my words please.
                          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                            I will simple say the lady have the tape to back her position and that was all I asked for.
                            That was not "all you asked for". But I see you are a little contrite, so I won't push the issue.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15

                              You never believe mi when ah seh I dont powder any of them???

                              Life is wayyyyyy too short for me to impugn my dignity for any politician. Maybe my sense of self worth is too high, but there is no way I am gonna not call a spade a spade if is suh mi see it.

                              My views on the PNP are well known, but as I said, the JLP is getting a trial run. There is no guarantee that they will work out. However, if they dont and the PNP does not reform and come better than they did, then JAMAICA will have to hope for another movement to arise or suck salt thru wooden spoon. Plain truth and bad manners.

                              It seems to me that some people dont realize how dire the situation is for Jamaica....we are on a precipice and we may yet topple over. We who love the Rock pray it does not happen, but the odds are even against us!!!!

