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Portia can't seem to bring herself to acknowledge

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  • Portia can't seem to bring herself to acknowledge

    Bruce Golding as the Prime Minister.

    What are we to make of her lofty pronouncements of unity and love pre election in the face of all her bitterness and rancor now?

    Remember MLK. You are ultimately judged by where you stand in times of challenge and controversy. Time and again she has been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

    Portia is a charlatan. I said before the election that I was not going to be sorry for what would happen to her. I am still not sorry for what is going to happen to her because well thinking people in the PNP can’t wait to be rid of her once and for all, to restore to former glory what was once a great institution. The daggers that were sheathed are once again drawn!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Comment View Post
    Bruce Golding as the Prime Minister.

    What are we to make of her lofty pronouncements of unity and love pre election in the face of all her bitterness and rancor now?

    Remember MLK. You are ultimately judged by where you stand in times of challenge and controversy. Time and again she has been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

    Portia is a charlatan. I said before the election that I was not going to be sorry for what would happen to her. I am still not sorry for what is going to happen to her because well thinking people in the PNP can’t wait to be rid of her once and for all, to restore to former glory what was once a great institution. The daggers that were sheathed are once again drawn!
    The same thing we make of Bruce's war mongering and bangarang previous to the elections!

    The calls for kiss and make up are acts...

    Bruce is still in election mode he is playing up the "I am a good boy/she is a bad girl" card. It shall soon wear thin. Whether Bruce has yet realised it - He has a country to (HUGE ENTERPRISE ...running, we could say, at a loss...) run and the people will not...as they did to Boxhill with the little JFF...so they shall do to Bruce with the BIG JAMAICA - produce or face "or else"! Tell us not about the past administration and or the opposition...produce or face "or else".
    Last edited by Karl; September 30, 2007, 11:27 AM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      When Bruce made that statement he was defending the rights of poor black people who were being herded behind razor wire without due process by agents of an administration she was an integral part of. I suspect had Malcolm X been around he would have said pretty much the same thing. Did she love those innocent poor black people that were being violently disabused of their rights? I wonder. Did she say or do ANYTHING to restore those rights or even point out that a gross injustice had occurred? She is a charlatan. And I am not sorry for what is going to happen to her.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Comment View Post
        When Bruce made that statement he was defending the rights of poor black people who were being herded behind razor wire without due process by agents of an administration she was an integral part of. I suspect had Malcolm X been around he would have said pretty much the same thing. Did she love those innocent poor black people that were being violently disabused of their rights? I wonder. Did she say or do ANYTHING to restore those rights or even point out that a gross injustice had occurred? She is a charlatan. And I am not sorry for what is going to happen to her.
        Stop waste yuh time Comment. That has been explained to Karl and the kollection of klowns time and again.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          my goodness bossman, yo think through yo azz or something, yo mek so much partisan speech from Sep3, even jawge a shakee him head...yo contesting Mosiah?!
          Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
          Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


          • #6
            Originally posted by Karl View Post
            The same think we make of Bruce's war mongering and bangarang previous to the elections!

            The calls for kiss and make up are acts...

            Bruce is still in election mode he is playing up the "I am a good boy/she is a bad girl" card. It shall soon wear thin. Whether Bruce has yet realised it - He has a country to (HUGE ENTERPRISE ...running, we could say, at a loss...) run and the people will not...as they did to Boxhill with the little JFF...so they shall do to Bruce with the BIG JAMAICA - produce or face "or else"! Tell us not about the past administration and or the opposition...produce or face "or else".
            What yuh mean country running at a loss ?

            I thought we we poised for takeoff.. all the FDI and projects running..

            Mek up yuh mind.


            • #7
              Lazi..no need to start the disrespect again. Who exactly are these clowns? People that don't agree with you or have your point of view? Allow the discussion to go on without those comments nuh!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Exile View Post
                Lazi..no need to start the disrespect again. Who exactly are these clowns? People that don't agree with you or have your point of view? Allow the discussion to go on without those comments nuh!
                Disrespect with what? How many times must the bangarang issue be explained? Yet when in a corner, the klowns dem bring it up again? Why when Omar used the bangaranf term ib a more militant mode, nuh a dem nuh bring it up?

                Time dem stop being trivial.
                "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                  Disrespect with what? How many times must the bangarang issue be explained? Yet when in a corner, the klowns dem bring it up again? Why when Omar used the bangaranf term ib a more militant mode, nuh a dem nuh bring it up?

                  Time dem stop being trivial.

                  Total arrant nonsense...arrant flying in the face of truth nonsense! - Was it Bruce in isolation with that 'in confrontation mode'? Was the campaign run by the JLP a "kiss and make up" campaign?

                  Massa speak - truth and stop the pre-election spin! The elections are over and the aim is facts - mainly those facts that it was convenient for partisans to overlook during the campaign.

                  The JLP used the Trafigura and other scandals, the serious problems with bringing crime under control - lack of being able to bring crime under control...rightly fair game - and, tied it to a tremendous series of lies with the main theme being "PNP did nothing for 18 years"...and, character assassination of Portia Simpson-Miller.

                  Well we need to revisit those lies and take a second look at the attacks on Portia in the context of her political career and her short 18 months as PM.

                  All Jamaica waits to see what Bruce and the JLP does in their first 18 months? We shall see if there are improvements over Mrs. Simpson-Miller's 18 months? ...and, we shall get the mood of the country and the people's perception of Bruce and his JLP? The facts speak...and, the facts shall speak!
                  Last edited by Karl; September 30, 2007, 10:52 AM.
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                    What yuh mean country running at a loss ?

                    I thought we we poised for takeoff.. all the FDI and projects running..

                    Mek up yuh mind.
                    ...and, what is the situation with the treasury? ...and, why can you not be poised for take off...even if the 'treasury is in a bad way'? ...isn't it not that way it has been from time immemorial...with all countries? ...bad times followed by good?

                    Things are currently not of the best!
                    ...but...we are 'poised for take off'!
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

