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Yeah whatever Carib Cement..,just toe the line

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  • Yeah whatever Carib Cement..,just toe the line

    PM scolds Carib Cement
    We are willing to work with the gov't, says Carib Cement
    PATRICK FOSTER, Observer writer fosterp@jamaicaobserver.com
    Saturday, September 29, 2007

    PRIME Minister Bruce Golding Thursday night chided the Caribbean Cement Company for what he described as a 'less than encouraging corporate behaviour' in implementing an 8.5 per cent price increase following a production shortfall.
    But it was the decision by the island's sole manufacturer of cement to export cement to Suriname after the company told the nation that it could not supply the local demand, that truly concerned the prime minister.
    Golding, speaking at the official opening of the Tenth Home and Hardware Show, put on by the Hardware Merchants Association (HMA) at the National Arena, said that the cement manufacturer exported 2,700 tonnes of cement to Suriname even after announcing its inability to supply the local market. Carib Cement, added Golding, did not advise the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of its plan to export the product.
    "In the midst of the shortage of cement and the significant implication that has to the economy, the company found it possible and necessary to dispatch yesterday (Wednesday) a shipment of 2,700 tonnes of cement to Suriname, again without advising the minister in their meeting with him last week," Golding said.
    Yesterday, Anthony Haynes, the cement company's managing director, was said to be off the island, but Lystra Sharpe, public relations manager, told the Observer that the export arrangements with Suriname was one that the company could not shelve.
    "This is a contract made six weeks ago which we were paid for and we could hardly get out of," said Sharpe.
    She added that Carib Cement was indeed sensitive to the shortage as there were other arrangements for cement export that the company had shelved.
    In his first official presentation after the opening of Parliament on Thursday, the prime minister said that he has advised the minister of industry and commerce, Karl Samuda, to meet with Carib Cement in order to establish the parameters of its relationship with government.
    "They need to make every effort to ensure that they become facilitators to the construction industry and not obstacles to the growth of the industry," Golding told hardware merchants Thursday night.
    "It is not the kind of corporate partnership that we expect from a company with privilege," said the prime minister.
    Carib Cement's Lystra Sharpe, meanwhile, said the company was ready and willing to work with the government.
    "We have the same goals that government has," said Sharpe.
    In the meantime, in order to ensure stability in the market, Golding said that 100,000 tonnes of cement would be imported in the "coming weeks".
    Independent suppliers, he said, had given a commitment of 60,000 tonnes while a further 40,000 tonnes would be brought in from Cuba.
    Also, the cement company has imported 9,000 tonnes of cement from Colombia, and advised that Sharpe should be in the island by the week of October 7.

  • #2
    Willi with this Kinda Prime Minister economic growth is possible. Him nah pull punches so so far.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
      Willi with this Kinda Prime Minister economic growth is possible. Him nah pull punches so so far.

      He will soon come to his senses - Why did he not disclose how much the company was making on the shipment to Suriname?

      The bottomline will always chump any other interest.

      The building of another cement plant would be a good thing. Firstly that type of manufacture needs to be in an isolated section of the island...with maximum steps taken to limit pollution....and, every care taken to best limit damage to the environment.

      Secondly it has been proven over time that the current plant produces inadequate supplies to satisfy the current needs...thus it also cannot appreciable add to foreign exchang earnings.

      Two things: Close the current plant...get the owners to move it. The government may need to encourage injection of capital (in the new plant and to expand capacity) and may need to grant incentives - not necessarily reduction of taxes...it could be increasing taxes on the product and or a planned issuing of permits for importation of the product from cheaper sources i.e. pressure the owners pricing/profitability with competiting cheaper imported alternate. ...while promising/granting concessions for moving to new more suitable premises.

      Production capacity needs expansion - satisfy local market and excess for export.

      The property in East Kingston should be developed possible as residential and or hospitality industry zone with the Rockfort Bath as anchor.

      Move all the industrial plants..and businesses to Newport East and or Newport West. Currently the entire area is an eyesore and the days when it was suited for commercial enterpises is long gone.

      Certainly it would make economic sense...needed the revitalisation of Gunboat and Buccaneer Beaches and a first world Yacht Harbour in the East section of Kingston Harbour...a return of Harbour View to its former pristine shape...and, carefully planned (as opposed to the unregulated hodge-podge 'lick-dun henny-weh' madness) real estate development that would stretch east towards Bull Bay, west towards Springfield-on the-sea and towards the Doncaster, etc...Norman Gardens and north above Harbour View through Back Bush - Beverly Hills to the hills above the UWI Mona Campus and August Town. - That would be multi-billions of dollars of economic activity and hundred of thousands of persons being put to productive work.
      There would be homes, recretation centers, mini-sports centers, the various service entities and industries expansions, taxi-cab companies, supermarkets and shops, restaurants, etc. - schools, police stations, fire stations, ambulance stations and health service entities...etc., etc.

      Move the damn - cement company!
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        while it would make sense to move it do you think the government wil invest anymore money in the cement company of Ja and the investors will dish out more capital, especially when they don't have the concern you have?

        The short term solution is to import more and create more competition. The long term solution because the price is high is yes another cement company which encourage competition. Let us see how many Jamaicans will take that up as productivity and profit was lacking when it was Jamaican owned.

        I hope with new technolgy however we can build a new plant. Maybe something that can be researched in another country and see the best way to do it.
        • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Assasin View Post
          while it would make sense to move it do you think the government wil invest anymore money in the cement company of Ja and the investors will dish out more capital, especially when they don't have the concern you have?

          The short term solution is to import more and create more competition. The long term solution because the price is high is yes another cement company which encourage competition. Let us see how many Jamaicans will take that up as productivity and profit was lacking when it was Jamaican owned.

          I hope with new technolgy however we can build a new plant. Maybe something that can be researched in another country and see the best way to do it.
          I am saying the government should get the owners of the cement company or other private sector entities...

          ...the government should 'pressure' for the closure of the present plant and the investors moving it ...along with the establishment of another in a less populated area. ...it would make sense to put the plant(s) near the coast with easy access to port facilities....or, easy to establish port facilities.
          Last edited by Karl; September 29, 2007, 11:41 AM.
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Mi tell unnuh seh Change is Good.. now all Karl start talk sense...

            Heh, heh... pity it is not more consistent.

            At least him si seh serious Govt in place now so serious tings can gwaan.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Maudib View Post
              Mi tell unnuh seh Change is Good.. now all Karl start talk sense...

              Heh, heh... pity it is not more consistent.

              At least him si seh serious Govt in place now so serious tings can gwaan.
              ...and, why do you think I did not have a bag of ideas on how the country can move forward ---- for yeaars and yeeeeeeeeeeeears?
              massa tan teddy!
              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


              • #8
                If I was businessman who own that plant, why would I want to move it?

                It is producing at a decent profit level and moving it would mean investing several millions of my money so why would I even think of that?

                Government can pressure but the plant was theirs at one stage fo how long and them never move it so I would tell them fi go waah
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  but you needed a change of course fi consider some a the new one them.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                    If I was businessman who own that plant, why would I want to move it?
                    The government should show it would be profitable to do so!
                    ...perhaps, through a floood of cement imports...after an unofficial 'cocktail party' hint - diplomatic 'lick ova mi ead'.

                    ...Sass: I have had experience in these things where a business associate sends me a message without doing one official thing...that I could come back and say he did...and the message was received loud and clear that it was in my interest 'to do'!

                    It is producing at a decent profit level and moving it would mean investing several millions of my money so why would I even think of that?

                    Government can pressure but the plant was theirs at one stage fo how long and them never move it so I would tell them fi go waah
                    See previous posts and look directly above...
                    Last edited by Karl; September 29, 2007, 03:15 PM.
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                      but you needed a change of course fi consider some a the new one them.
                      When the new moves arise that are good for the country...e.g. the moves to bring greater attention to actions re: Opposition Members heading standing committees, etc.

                      ...and, when real innovations are made then and only then will I

                      Right now it is moving along with the very many PNP started ...ongoing course and projects! ...so what, I told you so!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Karl View Post
                        When the new moves arise that are good for the country...e.g. the moves to bring greater attention to actions re: Opposition Members heading standing committees, etc.

                        ...and, when real innovations are made then and only then will I

                        Right now it is moving along with the very many PNP started ...ongoing course and projects! ...so what, I told you so!
                        Me and Bruce confused..

                        Many FDI, Many 'projects' yet abysmal economic growth and social decay, under employment.. etc...

                        Sumting Wong !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Maudib View Post
                          Me and Bruce confused..

                          Many FDI, Many 'projects' yet abysmal economic growth and social decay, under employment.. etc...

                          Sumting Wong !

                          ...yeah? What is wrong?
                          Last edited by Karl; September 29, 2007, 03:25 PM.
                          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                          • #14
                            karl nothin happen over night , but with carib Cement with those approach to the jamaican public I can only repeat what sass said,with his type of management economic growth will come.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Karl View Post
                              ...yeah? What is wrong?
                              You cyaan read ?

                              Where is the velocity from all the 'investment' and 'projects' ?

                              Yuh evah invest yuh money is anyting yet ?

                              What kinda returns yuh expec ? or yuh juss happy saying yuh invest X amount a money ?

