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I don't get it - the JLP govt. cites the promises

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  • #31
    As soon as you learn to comprehend!



    • #32
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      The point is, the govt. better get ready to meet them at least halfway, and hope that in doing so it doesn't blow the other promises, that already had their funding issues, out of the water!

      Comprehension has nothing to do with this. What else could the "other" in your statement mean? If what you wrote is not what you meant then the burden is on you to improve your grasp of the english language


      • #33
        Originally posted by Assasin View Post

        Well the government have to meet with them and them sort things out one way another, I have no problem with that but when she is going to use the microphone carelessly as she did, and she hasn't even met with the government team as yet, I can only say it is bullying tatics and trying to get people to be afraid.
        Can you remember when our various "unions" have not used bullying tactics when about to negotiate with our governments on any points ...and definitely including salaries?

        ...or, are you going to say that never happened to the last PNP government?

        massa face the reality of our Jamaica...Bruce and his JLP will face the same rough passage the PNP faced...and,as I told Boxhill and his crew...stop the nonsense about the previous regime not having done anything...and now I add - That is a damn lie!...Bruce must "just do it" i.e. he must manage well.

        Bruce's regime, just as Boxhill's had done to it, shall be judged on what it does!

        Growing an economy to create the volume jobs we need TODAY cannot and has never satisfied voters! Creating jobs as a country's economy
        grows is a slow process.

        Bruce and his party has worked hard to put in the voters consciousness the very many 'things' needing fixing. Well Bruce and his party will run into the brick wall of it takes 'cash' to do all that fixing...and, our private sector produces a mere pittance to go towards any relief that can be brought throught infusion of the vast sums of money needed.

        If Bruce and his JLP does not follow the "not changing course" path of the PNP of funding social programs, improving infrastructure, growing the size of the government employees (civil and quasi-government employees) - by borrowing, seeking grants, raising taxes, not reducing taxes -but, widening the tax base, cajolling the private sector to increase production...he shall be leading a minority government in less than 3 years and presiding over civil unrest that will make the unrest of the JLP induced '80s look like a joke!

        Yes, the increasing of spend on social programs and bringing infrastructure up-to-date will spur inflation among other things...a fight will have to be waged in that also...but, this is the Jamaica we have...what the reality of this Jamaica demands...spending to ease increasing social pressures.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #34
          Karl again the process is normally to meet and exchange plesantary first and welcome the new government who ever they maybe, talk to them then you decide what route you are going to take but not to talk BS before they even have their first parlimentary sitting.

          I have never seen that before.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #35
            Accepted! I withdraw the "other".



            • #36
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              Accepted! I withdraw the "other".
              Is this an apology?


              • #37

                BLACK LIVES MATTER

