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Why would 'reasonable persons' looking at the

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  • Why would 'reasonable persons' looking at the

    PNP taking money from Trafigura is a travesty...but, the JLP taking money from "John-Tom" is A-OK?

    If the roles were reversed PNP taking from "John-Tom" and JLP from Trafigura would those 'reasonable persons' find everything A-OK?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    First thing...PROOF!

    We know that Trafigura exists, the other charge is conjecture.

    Secondly, private donation by Jakans to local parties are usually given to both, with the greater share given to the favoured party. Over the years, these donors have always switched sides.

    Finally, Trafigura was a sovereignty issue! There is a difference you refuse to admit to. Jakans getting blys is one thing...theoretically the money still remains in Jamaica or will likely return. Foreign entities will repatriate that money as a matter of course. For Jam Govt reps to sell out Jamaica to a foreign entity is akin to Treason. This is why I am still steamed that we sold off all those Finsac assets to foreigners and sell out JPS/Cement to rapacious foreigners. They have less stake in jamaica and thus we have less recourse. For all I know, these foreign entities are agents of foreign governments, as many are front operations.

    Did you see the recent Glencore/Trafigura news report?? Trafigura was lifting at 12c a barrel. After the scandal broke, the whole thing was re-tendered and Trafigura rebid at 24c, but lost to the winning Glencore (Marc Rich) bid of 25c per barrel. Golding tentatively accepted Glencore due to timing pressure, but has set someone in the Govt the task to evaluate what the real economics of the deal is, given that Nigeria has the lightest, sweetest crude and oils is trading at $80 a barrel for dirty West Texas Intermediate.

    This alone tells me that skimming was happening.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Willi View Post

      This alone tells me that skimming was happening.

      From the Nigerian end - kick-back?

      Trafigura - rapacious profiteering?

      Jamaica - Quasi-government official(s)/agent(s)/employee(s) under the table payment?

      In any of the above cases the middleman is involved Trafigura and now Marc Rich's company (Glenmore or whatever is its name)

      It could be the dirty deed is a Nigerian entity(entities) and Trafigura or The Jamaican connection and Trafigura...or, the unlikeliest all three in bed together?!

      Your guess?

      ...and, how long will it take before there is more word on corruption in this same oil deal?
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Karl View Post

        From the Nigerian end - kick-back?

        Trafigura - rapacious profiteering?

        Jamaica - Quasi-government official(s)/agent(s)/employee(s) under the table payment?

        In any of the above cases the middleman is involved Trafigura and now Marc Rich's company (Glenmore or whatever is its name)

        It could be the dirty deed is a Nigerian entity(entities) and Trafigura or The Jamaican connection and Trafigura...or, the unlikeliest all three in bed together?!

        Your guess?

        ...and, how long will it take before there is more word on corruption in this same oil deal?
        Heh, heh.. suh yuh nuh know about di link between Marc Rich and Trafigura ?

        PJ tek us into the BIG LEAGUES of middle-manism..


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maudib View Post
          Heh, heh.. suh yuh nuh know about di link between Marc Rich and Trafigura ?

          PJ tek us into the BIG LEAGUES of middle-manism..
          You guys must be licking your chops?
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

