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Dual but unequal: the citizenship debate

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  • Dual but unequal: the citizenship debate

    Dual but unequal: the citizenship debate
    published: Sunday | September 23, 2007

    Dr. Paul Ashley, Contributor


    Some Jamaicans enjoy the protection and privileges of being citizens of other countries. Most are citizens of Jamaica only. Indeed, many with citizenship of more than one state - and even as many as two more - have played critical roles in the development of Jamaica. In reality, the Jamaican state recognises that Jamaican citizens may be citizens of other states but does not prescribe any limitations on the number.

    However, the Constitution of Jamaica prescribes certain limitations on those enjoying multiple citizenship in so far as their participation in the Parliament goes. Such limitations - termed 'qualification' and 'disqualification' - are specifically stated in Section 39 and Section 40, respectively.

    Section 39:
    The individuals seeking membership in the Senate and House of Representatives must be (a) a Commonwealth citizen of at least 21 years old; and (b) has been ordinarily resident in Jamaica for 12 months prior to appointment to the Senate or nomination for election to the House of Representatives.
    However, the individual concerned must not fall within the disqualification clauses specified in Section 40.

    Section 40:
    There are a number of conditions specified which would cause this adult Commonwealth citizen resident in Jamaica for the preceding 12 months to be disqualified from being appointed to the Senate or nominated for election to the House of Representatives. These include holding public office such as Judge of the Supreme Court, Judge of the Court of Appeal, member of a defence force; adjudged or otherwise declared bankrupt; certified insane; serving a sentence of six months or more; convicted of election related offence, etc.

    For the purposes of this discussion, focus is confined to dual citizenship debate. Section 40 (2) states:
    "(2) No person shall be qualified to be appointed as a Senator or a Member of the House of Representatives who -
    (a) Is, by virtue of his own act, under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign Power or State:'

    Section 9 gives meaning to the classification 'Commonwealth Citizens'. Indeed, such was deemed necessary in order to supplement the capabilities of the newly emerging sovereign state. The pool of expertise from the Commonwealth family was harnessed. Many of the officials of these ex-colonial territories hold British passports.

    The primary operative condition is "by virtue of his own act". The individual must have been capable of doing the act and has chosen so to do. Moreover, that condition is not operative if it was occasioned by another, by operation of law, or by conditions outside the control/decision of the individual concerned.

    The condition outlined is not confined to the taking of an oath of allegiance - a necessary requirement of applications for citizenship. That acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence may be occasioned by membership in the defence force, holding important public office, national security or official representation roles.

    A 'foreign Power or State' is any Power or State other than Jamaica. This construction is no doubt controversial it is settled in international law and appointed by a number of decided cases. The controversy is motivated primarily because it casts a wider net since it would include those who are holders of citizenship of Commonwealth states.

    'Commonwealth' not 'Foreign'
    Some proponents of the view that Commonwealth states are not included in the term 'foreign Power or State' seek to advance the following:
    Chapter II of the Constitution of Jamaica deals with citizenship. Section 12 gives the following interpretation:
    'Foreign country' means a country (other than the republic of Ireland) that is not part of the Commonwealth;

    Hence, the term 'foreign Power or State' should be construed in accordance with that of 'foreign country'.

    As mentioned before, the proponents have yet to produce any judicial interpretation to substantiate their position. Moreover, it may be convenient to ignore that
    (a) the section being relied upon begins 'In this Chapter -'. The interpretations are specific to Chapter II;
    (b) 'foreign country' is not necessarily synonymous with 'foreign State or Power.'

    In relation to those holding Canadian, British or even Barbadian citizenship in addition to their Jamaican citizenship, it is being argued that they have sworn allegiance to the same sovereign power - Her Majesty. Hence, these Commonwealth countries with Her Majesty as Head of State cannot be classified as 'foreign'.

    legislative and governmental matters
    The argument comforting to the holders of such citizenship - fails to surmount a basic constitutional reality. With regard to legislative and governmental matters, the head of state of say Jamaica is the Queen of Jamaica; the head of state of Australia is the Queen of Australia; the head of state of Canada is the Queen of Canada. Her Majesty occupies a number of distinct legal personalities and each in its exercise of its sovereignty has no legal consequences for the other. For example, for Jamaica, the United Kingdom would be classified as 'a foreign power', so too would Canada and Barbados. Furthermore, each of these sovereign states has its own rules in respect of nationality and their citizens owe different allegiances.

    To put the argument here being advanced into sharp relief: If an adult Jamaican citizen by virtue of his own act acquires the nationality of any other State - be it Commonwealth or otherwise - he is disqualified.

    However, an adult Commonwealth citizen living in Jamaica for a year satisfies the condition of Section 39, whether or not he acquires Jamaican citizenship.

    While recognising 'dual citizenship', not all such are treated equally in so far as the composition of Parliament is concerned. It depends to a large measure on how such foreign status was obtained - manner and timing. Is there a need for constitutional changes reflecting the new realities? That is another debate.
    Dr. Paul Ashley is an attorney-at-law. He may be reached at ashlaw@cwjamaica.com.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2

    btw - Could someone who acquired citizenship of a foreign power through being a minor child of a parent or parents who had become citizens of the foreign power be disqualified if in his or her adult life he or she retained the citizenship of the foreign power and willfully engaged in say -renewal of his or her passport?

    Where is gamma when you need him?

    I think the USA passport application form has you searing allegiance to the USA? ...and, I would think you have to acknowledge having a current USA address?

    PS - Heard on Perkins online a caller saying there are 8 challanges in the courts dealing with the matter of disqualifications under the holding of dual citizenships.
    Last edited by Karl; September 23, 2007, 04:40 PM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      It seems a C-Wealth citizen resident in Jam for one year can run for office, but not a Jakan born dual citizen living in Jamaica.

      If so, this is a nonsense rule.


      • #4
        Legal Rubbish, a red herring designed to stir up public anger against the restriction on those with American passports.

        What this lawyer is saying is that a Canadian with no connection to Jamaica could live here for a year and qualify to be elected to parliament but a person who was born in Jamaica, acquired a Canadian passport by his or her own, now lives in Jamaica for the pass year is disqualified. Rubbish!
        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


        • #5
          He wrote this to support the JLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Time View Post
            Legal Rubbish, a red herring designed to stir up public anger against the restriction on those with American passports.

            What this lawyer is saying is that a Canadian with no connection to Jamaica could live here for a year and qualify to be elected to parliament but a person who was born in Jamaica, acquired a Canadian passport by his or her own, now lives in Jamaica for the pass year is disqualified. Rubbish!
            legislative and governmental matters
            The argument comforting to the holders of such citizenship - fails to surmount a basic constitutional reality. With regard to legislative and governmental matters, the head of state of say Jamaica is the Queen of Jamaica; the head of state of Australia is the Queen of Australia; the head of state of Canada is the Queen of Canada. Her Majesty occupies a number of distinct legal personalities and each in its exercise of its sovereignty has no legal consequences for the other. For example, for Jamaica, the United Kingdom would be classified as 'a foreign power', so too would Canada and Barbados. Furthermore, each of these sovereign states has its own rules in respect of nationality and their citizens owe different allegiances.

            To put the argument here being advanced into sharp relief: If an adult Jamaican citizen by virtue of his own act acquires the nationality of any other State - be it Commonwealth or otherwise - he is disqualified.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #7
              But is that the constit rules 39 and 40 say!!!!

              I am here discussing the issue not POLITICS.

              It is possible to argue a point in isolation to everything else.


              • #8
                Head of the Commonweatlth

                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                legislative and governmental matters
                The argument comforting to the holders of such citizenship - fails to surmount a basic constitutional reality. With regard to legislative and governmental matters, the head of state of say Jamaica is the Queen of Jamaica; the head of state of Australia is the Queen of Australia; the head of state of Canada is the Queen of Canada. Her Majesty occupies a number of distinct legal personalities and each in its exercise of its sovereignty has no legal consequences for the other. For example, for Jamaica, the United Kingdom would be classified as 'a foreign power', so too would Canada and Barbados. Furthermore, each of these sovereign states has its own rules in respect of nationality and their citizens owe different allegiances.

                To put the argument here being advanced into sharp relief: If an adult Jamaican citizen by virtue of his own act acquires the nationality of any other State - be it Commonwealth or otherwise - he is disqualified.
                This is total crap, the man is a JLP supporter, the consitution speaks of Commonweath citizens and if you want to make a connection to a head of state then the only connection must be to the Head of the Commonwealth.
                The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Time View Post
                  This is total crap, the man is a JLP supporter, the consitution speaks of Commonweath citizens and if you want to make a connection to a head of state then the only connection must be to the Head of the Commonwealth.
                  One thing I can tell you is I am not qualified to say a yea or a nay!
                  I made an appeal to gamma and any other attorney who passes through to give us their take on the matter?
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    It also speaks of a foreign power!

                    Problem is that we have spotted an inconsistency in terms.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Time View Post
                      This is total crap, the man is a JLP supporter, the consitution speaks of Commonweath citizens and if you want to make a connection to a head of state then the only connection must be to the Head of the Commonwealth.

                      BTW - The man may be a JLP supporter...or, PNP supporter for that matter...but, I think, he is honestly trrying to throw some light on the matter.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        all i could give is a top of my head summation....and itf it giving people like lloyd barnett headaches....

                        anyway, i look at the provisions and see what i can make of it.

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                        • #13
                          Thank you .

                          The orginal Section 9 defines Commonweath Citizenship and 9 (3) states

                          Save as may be otherwise provided by Parliament, the countries to which this section applies are the United Kingdom and Colonies,Canada, Australia,
                          New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Ghana, The Federation of Malaya, Nigeria,
                          The Republic of Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Tanganyika, Rhodesia, Nyasaland and the
                          State of Singapore

                          This clearly includes Citizenss of Countries that do not swear to the head of the Commonwealth.
                          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                          • #14
                            There are many Jamaicans who have USA citizenship, but because of 9/11 they now wihip out the JA passport when they travel, how many of you posters fit that catagory? eeeehhh.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TDowl View Post
                              There are many Jamaicans who have USA citizenship, but because of 9/11 they now wihip out the JA passport when they travel, how many of you posters fit that catagory? eeeehhh.
                              Nuff of them whipping out the JA passport, have the wrong document. Most still have the blue passport, the JA passport is now RED. Furthermore, even if you travel to JA using their passport, if you have US citizenship, then you'll have to use the US passport for your return.
                              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                              - Langston Hughes

