Bricktop...leave the panty ting when yu a deal with me - if you have smthing to contribute and gloat about, just do it..imagine first ting on a Sunday morning and is dis is the best yu can do??
What is the story here. I was away from civilization over the weekend.
KD Knight’s son dies in hospital Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Former parliamentarian K.D. Knight and his family are mourning the death of his son.
32-year-old Kamal Knight died in the University Hospital Tuesday night following complications from pneumonia and leptospirosis.
Speaking with RJR News Wednesday morning an emotional K D Knight said the family is overcome with grief.
In the meantime, the University Hospital has launched an investigation into an incident on Ward 7 of the Hospital Tuesday night during which a nurse was reportedly punched in the mouth by a family member of former parliamentarian K.D. Knight.
The nurse was reportedly in the process of assisting Mr. Knight's son when she was allegedly punched by Mr. Knight's daughter.
Acting Chief Executive Officer at the Hospital, Professor Archibald McDonald told our News Centre the hospital is reviewing its operations to ensure that its staff is properly protected during the execution of their duties.
He said Tuesday night's incident has been reported to the police who were called in by the Hospital's security and the matter is now a criminal one, if the nurse decides to press charges.
And speaking with RJR News Wednesday morning, Mr. Knight expressed regret at the incident.
He said his daughter was upset with what she perceived to be an attempt at a cover up by the nurse.
However, Mr. Knight said his family is reserving any further comment on the incident at this time.
If a death was not involved here then the cartoon would be on point. But a death was involved. There must have been more happening out there for the cartoonist to come up with.
Not justifying KD Knight's daughter's actions but heaven knows our nurses can be among the rudest people on the planet. And our doctors are not far behind.
Some of these people, police and nurses, need more dan a box (some politician tuh!).
Yuh right - it could be case of rudeness colliding with rudeness.
You would think that it's only politicians and their families who do these things, but the news probably won't report when "ordinary folk" box dem dung.
and when rudess collide with rudeness....kd wife box a police officer out at the airport a few years ago.
just adding some balance and perspective.
Just asking - what is the 'balancing on' about? It is OK in the present circumstances - (set of circumstances - the death, the pain felt that follows on...and because someone was moved to...buttons pushed to react in an unseemly manner) - the cartoonist in the laid-back atmosphere of his airconditioned art-room with great time to consider his actions...has the right/must be forgiven for this dispicable piece?
Just asking!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
the balance was mosiah saying how rude the nurses can be....i was stating how rude the knights are known to's no secret.
i can fully understand and feel his pain...i also feel that if we are to mention how rude the nurses can be, it is worthwhile to mention mention similar fact evidence about the knights.
Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.Thomas Paine
the balance was mosiah saying how rude the nurses can be....i was stating how rude the knights are known to's no secret.
i can fully understand and feel his pain...i also feel that if we are to mention how rude the nurses can be, it is worthwhile to mention mention similar fact evidence about the knights.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
If a death was not involved here then the cartoon would be on point. But a death was involved. There must have been more happening out there for the cartoonist to come up with.
Not justifying KD Knight's daughter's actions but heaven knows our nurses can be among the rudest people on the planet. And our doctors are not far behind.
So now me understand this comment from Barbara Gloudon's colum last week
From Barbara Gloudon's column
(SAD STORY: Genuine condolences to Mr K D Knight and his family on the tragic death of their only son this week. Mr Knight has been having more than his share of unpleasantness especially in the political arena. It is good that his daughter apologised publicly for losing her cool with a nurse tending to her brother in his death-bed struggle. Grief can make you do strange things. Forgiveness heals.
“Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.” - Langston Hughes
Gamma, do you know for a fact that the DAUGHTER was rude??? Where is the EVIDENCE to support this. This faulty generalization about the "Knights"...poor argument...wheel and come again!