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Prophets say sorry

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  • Prophets say sorry

    published: Friday | September 21, 2007

    The prophetic movement in [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Jamaica[/COLOR][/COLOR] has finally broken its silence after the results of the 2007 General Election whereby one of its major [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]prophecies[/COLOR][/COLOR] for the year failed to materialise.
    Contrary to previous [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]predictions[/COLOR][/COLOR] made by members of the prophetic movement, in which the Rev. Dr. Phillip Phinn, self-proclaimed prophet and senior pastor of the Word of Life Ministries International, had declared that Portia Simpson Miller would be victorious in the general election, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) emerged victors and today forms the Government of Jamaica.
    In a statement to the media yesterday, Bishop C.B. Peter Morgan, of City Life Ministries, officially apologised to the public on the behalf of the local prophetic community with respect to the outcome of the general election.
    Members of the local prophetic community, led by Dr. Phinn had before the elections, emphatically stated that the PNP would secure a fifth consecutive term.
    Bishop Morgan asked for the public's forgiveness in instances where "there appeared to be elements of pride and arrogance in the manner in which their prophecies were presented".
    According to Bishop Morgan, since the release of the results of the general election, he has held a series of meetings with members of the prophetic movement and some church leaders who have supported it over the years.
    "It has been a time of sincere soul searching, introspection and evaluation of the conduct of our main spokesmen," he said.
    No public statements
    Members of the movement have, therefore, been asked to make no public statements or give [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]interviews[/COLOR][/COLOR] to the media until the group has completed its full course of "self-scrutiny and adjustments, refocusing its mandate and ensuring full personal and corporate accountability as a movement," said Mr. Morgan.
    Additionally, he said he regretted the pain, anxiety, misunderstanding and embarrassment that the open and antagonistic debates surrounding the prophetic declarations had caused.
    "We acknowledge that the words were given as irrevocable dictates from God without conditional consequences," he said.
    Dr. Phinn and his group of prophets came under much scrutiny from both the church community and the public following the results of the election. Many have labelled him a false prophet and have even demanded a public apology for his misleading the public.
    Bishop Morgan said, "In light of this experience, we understand that many will doubt that God speaks through His servants."
    He further said, "Let me remind you of the words of St. Paul in 1Corintians 13:9 'For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.'
    "This places on us an even greater responsibility to present our witness with confidence, yet with humility, with faith but without presumption, as God does not always show us the entire process towards the fulfilment of prophecies," said the bishop. He, however, said that the Prophetic Movement would continue to work together to ensure that the movement grows towards greater maturity for the glory of God and the benefit of the nation.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    prophets have a union?

    heheheheh "they know in part and prophesy in part"....gotta love the bible.

    any way sounds to me like guesswork?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

