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Exile , first let me say; my

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  • Exile , first let me say; my

    condolences to your lost relative. Boss we are in the times where we are
    being manipulated to lose our reason. We do not have respect for the lives of our women and children, personally I feel shame. Keep the faith boss and I hope for the best for your relative's family.

    Exile I have to commend you for this statement:
    "I just don't think there's any reason for the Observer to continue in this vein. They have done their dirty work and most likely gotten rewarded already. Why imprint this image in the minds of our young children? It's all about us - and how we perceive ourselves - its about self-respect, supporting our women and taking pride in our people.
    I am positive the 'message' being portrayed is out of context
    ." This is the main reason why I said Ja's tertiary institutions should be closed. I am still pondering to myself if I'm too harsh. Boss it is evident that a psychological war is being waged on the populace. They are using symbolism to destroy
    Nanny P (who is the gate to freedom of the mind). Where are the college students venting about this outrage? What are they being taught in these schools!! Can you imgaine if this was done to Hillary or Condi. Politicians (presidential hopefuls) make it point of their duty to hold town meetings on college campuses. Why? Well here lies the future of the nation (the potential middle and upper classes) They would pepper any presential hopefula s to the abuse of their female counterparts. Why they understand symbolism and know that this could have easily been their mother.

    Let's strip away the high tech from what is going with Nanny P. Let's then place ourselves in the time of 1705. It would be now plain to see a slave woman who tried to get freedom only to be caught and flogged by the master and jeered by the slaves that live on the estate. If Nanny P dances on stage she is likened to a strip club dancer, if she is being quiet she is called a dunce and buffoon. It's clear that this woman is not wanted on the political scene because she will inspire the common man to want to have a voice in determining his destiny (this is equal to all the slaves running away from the estate). Nanny P will be continued to be whipped in the town square and strung high by the master's paid hands until the PNP drives her from leadership of the party (Nanny P is not good for the general public).

    Sept. 3 was a turning point in JA's history. Jakans just sold their little island to the highest bidder. We all must now return to the estate as slaves. If the US senate passes that education bill into law; Ja will be indebted to the US (Willi I wouldn't want to see you calling americans ignorant) because this may cut the hundred year curse short.

    BTW Colin Powell proudly said his mom was a semstress and father a common labourer in the states. Was this an issue in the media? He even had some failing grades at City College. Was this an issue? NO what kept everyone in awe was his ability to rise against all odds. I wouldn't like to see Colin Powell even thinking of leading in JA.

    Exile respek.

  • #2
    "Sept. 3 was a turning point in JA's history. Jakans just sold their little island to the highest bidder. We all must now return to the estate as slaves"

    Obviously yuh never hear bout Trafigura.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      Symbolism, perception and destroying heroes/leaders are old tricks of a past time...but still being used. Look at the difference in the article on Clinton "Annals of Fundraising"...even while criticising, the respect level is maintained.
      In Jamaica, we have become lazy, there is no subtlety, no double entendre, it's just guts and gore....


      • #4
        At one point I thought it
        was bordering on stupidity but no you are a brilliant psychologist and actor.


        • #5
          Boss the reason for this is the education system
          and lack of an intellectual class (which in essence is saying there is no middle class). I did read the above article and this is why it becomes disturbing to me why this trash is accpeted in JA, hence my outburst about the tertiary institutions.

          The plantation owners know that we have not fully evolved on the education scale hence the mass manipulations. At one point I thought we had arrived but events leading to Sept.3rd and beyond have proven me wrong.


          • #6
            Mi nah ask yuh. me a tell yuh Americans are ignorant to things like visas and passport as they have been very sheltered.

            A yankee customs officer once told a Jakan sistren that he had every right to charge her duty on in transit goods as Jamaica is a part of the US. So stay deh.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Willi View Post
              Mi nah ask yuh. me a tell yuh Americans are ignorant to things like visas and passport as they have been very sheltered.

              A yankee customs officer once told a Jakan sistren that he had every right to charge her duty on in transit goods as Jamaica is a part of the US. So stay deh.
              Wha the customs agent name? .... Jawge?
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jawge View Post
                Boss the reason for this is the education system
                and lack of an intellectual class (which in essence is saying there is no middle class). I did read the above article and this is why it becomes disturbing to me why this trash is accpeted in JA, hence my outburst about the tertiary institutions.

                The plantation owners know that we have not fully evolved on the education scale hence the mass manipulations. At one point I thought we had arrived but events leading to Sept.3rd and beyond have proven me wrong.
                So you are the repository of all learning now??


                • #9
                  and you use one isolated
                  incident to draw that conclusion? I think you should seriously research what that customs officer said.


                  • #10
                    pretty much the same way you
                    are on the mental state of all US citizens.


                    • #11
                      Who said all?

                      We were talking about the bulk of US tourists. That observation was germane to the discussion at hand.


                      • #12
                        These stupid americans; yet I'm sure
                        the JLP would be happy for a $400 million aid package (which by the way is chicken feed for these set of dunces)


                        • #13
                          Obviously he has more, Jawge.

                          Be careful how you mail letters to Jamaica. When you put "Jamaica, W.I." on the envelope, it might end up in Wisconsin!

                          Stay deh!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            Cyaan tell the lass time
                            mi mail a letta. Give me your thoughts on the Nanny P issue brought to the fore by Exile and myself.


                            • #15
                              I agree with Exile.

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER

