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Gang cleans out community

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  • Gang cleans out community

    Gang cleans out community

    Dwayne Mcleod, Staff Reporter

    A section of the now almost empty Barnes Avenue in St. Andrew. - Dwayne McLeod

    If one can survive a walk down Barnes Avenue, St. Andrew, without being shot, then one would see that only about three of the ten houses there are still occupied.

    Residents had to flee the community after one of Kingston's deadliest gangs, 'Stingers', began wreaking havoc on them and their surroundings.
    According to the police, the notorious group of approximately 20 men were behind multiple murders and shootings in the Kingston West Police Division.
    The infamous crew's gruesome acts of violence forced the residents of Barnes Avenue to take ultimate safety measures by fleeing the community.

    "They are some very dangerous guys, they are the reason why residents from Barnes Avenue had to flee for their lives," one officer said.

    When THE STAR recently visited the avenue it was desolate, lacking any form of visible human activity. However, upon visiting the avenue again later in the evening the team was lucky to speak with two residents who were seen walking briskly to their homes and looking behind them with every other step.

    One of the men said that the avenue once housed at least 25 residents compared to the five now left.
    "Bout five a wi alone deh yah, everybody else 'fraid dem get sting," the resident said.

    The two men explained that those who chose to stay have been there for more than 10 years. "... A ya so we know as our yaad so we nuh have nuh weh else fi go," one of the men explained.

    The Stinger gang forced the mass exodus with several crimes, including the early morning attack on Gerald Brown, his wife Dorcas, their daughter Michelle and granddaughter, 10-year-old Sasha-Kaye Brown, who were shot and their home set ablaze.

    A high-ranking officer attached to the Denham Town Police Station said that, "The police have made leads and are still on to them."

    While the officer was unable to give the exact number of murders and shootings in which the 'Stingers' are believed to be involved, he mentioned that affected individuals had actually come forward and given statements, so it would only take a review of such paperwork to get an exact figure.

    The officer also mentioned that up to Tuesday the police carried out an operation in the division following a shooting incident at the Tony Spaulding Complex, for which the crew is said to be responsible.

    The Stinger gang is based on a road off Maxfield Avenue in St. Andrew and have forged links with a gang know as 'Bibbow', which operates in 'Pegasus', 'Mexico' and 'Top Jungle' in Arnett Gardens and sections of Jones Town.

    The gang is also said to govern numerous avenues along the left side of Maxfield Avenue, leading back to Spanish Town Road.

    Information reaching THE STAR also is that the gang is now being strengthened by an individual who has expressed the desire to exercise 'donship'.

    The individual is said to be funding and strengthening the crew by purchasing an arsenal of high-powered rifles.

    The police earlier this year had expressed the need to dismantle the crew since cutting down Marlon 'Little Wicked' Mattie, the then top member of the criminal outfit.

    Police said they stormed premises in a section of Arnett Gardens known as 'Top Jungle' after they got word that several heavily armed men were attending a 'nine-night' for slain gangster Christopher 'Cheese Trix' Williams, who was killed during a pre-dawn shoot-out with the police on the Mandela Highway in St. Catherine on April 1.

    'Little Wicked', the police said, was fatally shot after men attending the wake fired at the cops in a bid to escape. The police said they recovered two AK47 assault rifles and 22 rounds of ammunition following the shooting. A man and a 17-year-old youth, said to be members of Stinger, were arrested during the incident.
    Last edited by Karl; September 20, 2007, 02:59 PM.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Time fi raid Tivoli. This cyaan work.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      maxfield avenue...maxfield avenue....why that ring a bell?

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        Bruce Golding would never ever dare endorse any Raid on Tivoli are you out of your mind? Do you even begin to understand that you are asking for a civil war to be set off in Jamaica if the man dem ever DARE to run up in Tivoli.

        Brue had to go sit at the feet of Seaga and show allegiance to the garissons so who is he to come dismantle it now that dem buss dem gun and put him inna power.

        Loyalty no go so my lord, I do for you and you do back for me

        You think a 38 Tivoli man dem si dung pon over deh? You no see Adams try fi run up in deh and have fi turn tail and run? Dem man deh no just fire shot widly dem man deh "pin" down police with accurate shots and sniper type fire(watch the video again) Its like dem a look through scopes

        So tell me now Tivoli can't get touched and how is it that in this day and age of Police operation dem can't change the means by which dem gather information or better yet stem the flow of guns and ammo into the country.

        I was ridiculed for making a statement years ago when I said that you don't focus too much attention on the mosquitor you try and clean up the swamsp where they breed.

        Jobs and opportunities will do that a full time we start looking to trade with the world and not just europe and the USA. Africa and South America plus Asia awaits our second-class mentality minds

        In the beginning was the word


        • #5
          Poor naive Lazie. sigh

          The fact that we can talk about this is exactly why this problem is not a big as others, say Tivoli! Yuh think nothing is happening in Tivoli, Lazie?

          Poor yuh!



          • #6
            hehe....SLR to di chest, head, or.......hehe
            Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
            Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:

