Am sure as sure piston core Survey is undergoing this month...
You need to raise 17million USD on Market
And do a Joint Venture with PetroJam by nov : may 2026 ExplorerWell
PetroJam can meet you Half Way...A JV...
Show your Critics you got what it takes...
Well comes up 50% in jmd is easily liquidatedto USD not GBP
The jmd appears to be Stable in 150s Range...
Give An Article to JamaicaGleaner Steven Jackson
On piston core vessel ...Piston Core Will
Drive Confidence ...Farm out might have
Failed but 17million usd can be raised
After Piston Core and Propelled yourselves
For start of next dry season to fast track...
Before 17th January 2026...A JV with PCJ.
A Veteran Option...Be Good and Good Luck.
You need to raise 17million USD on Market
And do a Joint Venture with PetroJam by nov : may 2026 ExplorerWell
PetroJam can meet you Half Way...A JV...
Show your Critics you got what it takes...
Well comes up 50% in jmd is easily liquidatedto USD not GBP
The jmd appears to be Stable in 150s Range...
Give An Article to JamaicaGleaner Steven Jackson
On piston core vessel ...Piston Core Will
Drive Confidence ...Farm out might have
Failed but 17million usd can be raised
After Piston Core and Propelled yourselves
For start of next dry season to fast track...
Before 17th January 2026...A JV with PCJ.
A Veteran Option...Be Good and Good Luck.