From: Facilitators For a Better Jamaica []
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:10 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Guns, Votes and Money @ 7.30pm 14th September 2007
Dear All,
As a part of Facilitators For a Better Jamaica (FFBJ) Media Watch
Strategy we will be inviting you to view a programme tomorrow night on
Channel 4 name the Unreported World scheduled for 7.30pm.
Guns, Votes and Money is the title of the programme created by
Production Company Quick Silver Ltd
Reporter Evan Williams and producer James Brabazon journey to Kingston
to uncover allegations that political parties are arming and funding
violent gangs in return for votes. Jamaican police kill more people per
capita than almost anywhere else in the world, and all the signs are
that in a country crippled by one of the highest murder rates in the
world, its politicians seem more concerned with holding onto power than
doing anything to end the terrible violence?
Without pre-empting the end result of this programme even though one can
already pre-empt the end result, FFBJ will be monitoring this programme
and is already seeking a tape of the programme so we can have an input
to ensure that there is balance and fair reporting and upholding the
name of Jamaica.
For our colleagues in USA, Canada, Jamaica and the wider world where the
Jamaican Diaspora resides you can watch it via Internet at
We invite you to send your views and comments to:
Sylbourne Sydial
Founder & Director
Facilitators for A Better Jamaica (FFBJ)
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:10 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Guns, Votes and Money @ 7.30pm 14th September 2007
Dear All,
As a part of Facilitators For a Better Jamaica (FFBJ) Media Watch
Strategy we will be inviting you to view a programme tomorrow night on
Channel 4 name the Unreported World scheduled for 7.30pm.
Guns, Votes and Money is the title of the programme created by
Production Company Quick Silver Ltd
Reporter Evan Williams and producer James Brabazon journey to Kingston
to uncover allegations that political parties are arming and funding
violent gangs in return for votes. Jamaican police kill more people per
capita than almost anywhere else in the world, and all the signs are
that in a country crippled by one of the highest murder rates in the
world, its politicians seem more concerned with holding onto power than
doing anything to end the terrible violence?
Without pre-empting the end result of this programme even though one can
already pre-empt the end result, FFBJ will be monitoring this programme
and is already seeking a tape of the programme so we can have an input
to ensure that there is balance and fair reporting and upholding the
name of Jamaica.
For our colleagues in USA, Canada, Jamaica and the wider world where the
Jamaican Diaspora resides you can watch it via Internet at
We invite you to send your views and comments to:
Sylbourne Sydial
Founder & Director
Facilitators for A Better Jamaica (FFBJ)