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This was FWD to me, And I am just Sharing it with you

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  • This was FWD to me, And I am just Sharing it with you

    From: Facilitators For a Better Jamaica [mailto:info@ffbj.org]
    Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:10 AM
    To: undisclosed-recipients:
    Subject: Guns, Votes and Money @ 7.30pm 14th September 2007

    Dear All,

    As a part of Facilitators For a Better Jamaica (FFBJ) Media Watch
    Strategy we will be inviting you to view a programme tomorrow night on
    Channel 4 name the Unreported World scheduled for 7.30pm.

    Guns, Votes and Money is the title of the programme created by
    Production Company Quick Silver Ltd

    Reporter Evan Williams and producer James Brabazon journey to Kingston
    to uncover allegations that political parties are arming and funding
    violent gangs in return for votes. Jamaican police kill more people per
    capita than almost anywhere else in the world, and all the signs are
    that in a country crippled by one of the highest murder rates in the
    world, its politicians seem more concerned with holding onto power than
    doing anything to end the terrible violence?

    Without pre-empting the end result of this programme even though one can
    already pre-empt the end result, FFBJ will be monitoring this programme
    and is already seeking a tape of the programme so we can have an input
    to ensure that there is balance and fair reporting and upholding the
    name of Jamaica.

    For our colleagues in USA, Canada, Jamaica and the wider world where the
    Jamaican Diaspora resides you can watch it via Internet at


    We invite you to send your views and comments to: feedback@ffbj.org


    Sylbourne Sydial
    Founder & Director
    Facilitators for A Better Jamaica (FFBJ)

  • #2
    Wow, I just saw the documentary and OH MY GOD.

    The ghettos are totally out of control!

    People are PHYSICALLY trapped in hopeless situations and I now have a greater understanding of why the crime rate is thru the roof. Jamaica is in a de-facto state of war....at least the Corporate area and Spanish Town are!

    The docu makes the previous PNP Govt look inept and complicit. it makes the present JLP Govt look only a shade better (as they were out of Power) and makes the task facing them seem overwhelming and daunting.

    PNPYO got nailed in a big way!!! Hands caught in the cookie jar...or rather finger caught on the trigger.

    What the Hell was the Govt doing all this while. Who could feel comfortable in such an environment? From what I saw, it is unbelievable that people are actuall fighting to be IN power. The mess I see would make Opposition look far more attractive proposition.

    Record of achievement now fills me with a different understanding. I thought things were bad, but now I really we are long past bad.

    Shatta, I beg your pardon Sir. There is a powder keg situation in play. Way too many guns and way too much hopelessness and desperation.

    Jamaica needs a change and it better come quickly, or dawg nyam all a we supper.

    I have the docu digitally stored, but it is 350mb so it is too big to send by email.

