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Growing up Gay in Jamaica - the hatred and bigotry

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  • Growing up Gay in Jamaica - the hatred and bigotry


    Web Exclusive, By Patrick Falby
    Newsweek International
    Updated: 12:49 p.m. ET Sept 8, 2007

    Sept. 8, 2007 - Gay rights may be spreading in many countries, but not in Jamaica. Violence against gay men is high, and police often look the other way, say activists. When Brian Williamson, Jamaica’s leading gay rights activist, was murdered in June 2004, a crowd gathered outside the crime scene to celebrate. NEWSWEEK’s Patrick Falby spoke with Devon, a 30-year-old homosexual who was granted asylum in the United States three years ago, about growing up gay in Jamaica. Devon, who lives in New York and attends a Seventh-day Adventist church, didn’t want his last name used for fear of being thrown out of the congregation. Excerpts:

    Falby: What’s it like being a homosexual in Jamaica?
    Devon: Wow. Terrible. Ridiculous. I have not been accepted by my family. My sister kicked me out of her house, and I was dis-fellowshipped by my church. At church I was an usher, and I used to sing in the choir.

    When did you realize you were a homosexual?
    When I was born; ever since then I’ve felt that way. I used to wear my mother’s shoes on the road sometimes, and my family used to kick me with the shoes and tell me to not put them on. Because I had four sisters I played girls’ games like bandy shandy. I even used to play cricket with the girls. They used to say that I’m not a man, that I’m a woman because I play women’s games. They used to call me “********************man,” which means gay in Jamaica. I tried to keep a low profile, though, because people used to get beaten for being gay.

    How did people find out?
    A friend of mine came over to the house to give me guidance one day when I was 18, and one of my sisters saw him. From there on my sister said that she didn’t want me near her because I’m whatever and whatever. When my sister went to work, I used to make sure her kids were properly dressed, bathed, had something to eat, got them off to school and picked them up. I was her helper. When she said that about me it was surprising. My brother, when he found out, he told me he was going to kill me because he didn’t want somebody in the family like me. I couldn’t really believe my own family would do that, until it happened to me. I was surprised because back home I used to do anything they asked. If they called me and told me they needed anything and I had it, I’d give it to them.

    You are no longer in contact with your family?
    Once in a blue moon I’ll call them to say hi, and when there was a hurricane I called to find out if everyone was okay. I mostly talk to my niece and nephew, because they’re small kids and you cannot hold anything against a child. I also call my mom. She doesn’t approve of [being gay], but you know a mother will always be a mother no matter what. She will always show me a good face, but behind it she’s maybe not with me. Now that I’m in America, she might figure that I have money to send to Jamaica or something.

    How were other homosexuals and lesbians treated?
    Horrible. Terrible. I used to have a roommate, and when I left to come here she was killed at our place. Some men beat and cut up her and her lover.

    Why is homophobia is so strong in Jamaica?
    People are not tolerant with the lifestyle. Even married men, they go hide and they do their stuff, and at the end of the day they go back with their wives. If it was more accepted, people would be free and do things that they wanted. It’s also because people tend to lean on the church’s side, and say it’s not accepted by God and stuff like that. In church, when I hear them talk about it, I put up blind ears, like I don’t hear what they say. Even now, because I still go to a Seventh-day Adventist church here [in New York]. When they talk about it, I put up blind ears about it. [In Jamaica] and here [in New York], because of the church lifestyle, nobody’s going to come out.

    How did you end up applying for asylum in the United States?
    I just decided I really couldn’t take it anymore in Jamaica. So I went to the embassy and applied for a visiting visa and I decided I’m not going back, I’m going to apply for asylum. And here I am.

    I’m not going to work now, but I’m going to college at the present, and I’m in the process of looking for jobs. I’ve been in America for three years. I also volunteer for Gay Men’s Health Crisis, a nonprofit organization in New York.

    Do you think you’ll ever return to Jamaica?
    The only way I’ll ever want to go back is if something changes so that people can live their lives and be free. They need to put something in place to protect people who are living this lifestyle in Jamaica. They have nothing in place; the police beat them, the members of the community beat them. And I hope and pray that [the new prime minister] can put something in place so that people like me, who lived the lifestyle in Jamaica, can live their lives.
    © 2007 Newsweek, Inc.

  • #2
    Well.. under di Caricom Single Market him cyaan suppose to move to Trinidad fairly easily..


    • #3
      astonishingly.....the greatest threat a gay man's life in jamaica is another gay man...

      people wi beat dem but dem (scorned) lover will kill dem!

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gamma View Post
        astonishingly.....the greatest threat a gay man's life in jamaica is another gay man...

        people wi beat dem but dem (scorned) lover will kill dem!
        Hmmm.. interesting analysis.

        Not sure however if a Gay man feels safer amongst a homophobic mob rather than scorned gay lovers.

        Is there a definitive study on whether or not sexual orientation influences the predictable outcome of a scorned lover situation ?


        • #5
          actually yes....criminolgists will tell you that:

          1. gay crime scenes are more horrific than the heterosexual counterparts(overkill if you will) although if yuh dead yuh dead;

          2. they should feel safer with a homophobic mob, if they value their lives...

          what would be an interesting statistic is the per capita scorned lover murder rate...i.e in the heterosexual community vs the gay community especially amongst gay men.

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gamma View Post
            actually yes....criminolgists will tell you that:

            1. gay crime scenes are more horrific than the heterosexual counterparts(overkill if you will) although if yuh dead yuh dead;

            2. they should feel safer with a homophobic mob, if they value their lives...

            what would be an interesting statistic is the per capita scorned lover murder rate...i.e in the heterosexual community vs the gay community especially amongst gay men.
            Actually looking for a definitive study on whether or not sexual orientation influences the likelihood of being killed by a scorned lover.


            • #7
              i don't know but it increases the likelihood of a vicious and brutal death by the scorned lover

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                i don't know but it increases the likelihood of a vicious and brutal death by the scorned lover
                Is this for Gay Women or just Gay men ?


                • #9
                  moreso for gay men.

                  Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                    moreso for gay men.
                    Are there studies of Man VS Man violence as opposed to Man VS Woman violence.. in terms of level of brutality ?

                    Would you be more physically brutal vs a man than a woman ?


                    • #11
                      dunno...you could ask some of your gay friends though.

                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                        dunno...you could ask some of your gay friends though.
                        These are some of the questions you need to ponder along the path you have chosen.

                        One must be able to sense BS.. people have been justifying bigotry, rascism etc for years with all manner of boogey man stories.. usually if one buys into it.. it is more due to predisposition rather than objective analysis.

                        Read up on Occam's Razor principle.


                        • #13
                          thank but no thanks. i don't NEED to ponder this, you should also bear in mind that it can (and has) worked both ways no pun intended......as for you fallacy about predisposition, i leave that as it is, a fallacy!

                          not really interested in any further discussion on this topic.....

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                            dunno...you could ask some of your gay friends though.
                            Homosexuality and Sexual Assault in Wisconsin
                            By Pastor Ralph Ovadal, 1997

                            Homosexuals use deception to justify their perverted acts. The entire homosexual life is a lie. To engage in homosexual acts, one must lie to oneself. To justify participation in such depravity, an individual must deny the eternal Law of God, the empirical evidence and the just plain common sense which all condemn homosexual acts. To gain acceptance and state protection of their perversion, homosexuals must promulgate any number of lies to the public in order to overcome the overwhelming evidence that a man truly does reap what he sows, and God truly does judge nations which embrace and accept perversion for which His Word prescribes punishment.

                            The truth is depravity unchecked not only brings God's judgment upon a nation, depravity unchecked begets more depravity, and not just with regard to bizarre "in house" sexual activities in the homosexual community itself. Taken as a whole, the homosexual community's propensity to engage in sexual assault and violence is shocking. Homosexual spokesmen can deny this claim all they want, but the truth speaks for itself. The top six mass murderers in U.S. history were all homosexuals.* Ask any EMT in any city with a sizable homosexual community what sort of domestic abuse calls in which he winds up being involved. He will tell you a disproportionate amount of calls result from homosexuals beating each other up. Depravity begets depravity. The homosexuals can lie all they want, and they do, but the fact is the tolerance of homosexuality in our midst puts all of us, especially the weak and vulnerable, at an increased risk of becoming the victim of homosexual violence.

                            Just recently I read an article from a homosexual sympathizer who claimed that 98.5% of all sexual assault is perpetrated by heterosexual men against girls and women. The man is flat-out lying, as a dispassionate look at available statistics will tell us. By the way, statistics can be a funny thing; they must always be put in proportion. In other words, if we say that any part of a whole is responsible for generating a certain statistic, we must always keep in mind what percentage of the whole the part is if we are to grasp the full significance of our finding. My contention is that homosexual men commit sexual assault at a rate far disproportionate to their numbers.

                            Wait till the Reverend hear bout di proportion of crimes perpetuated by Black people in America.. I suppose one battle at a time though..

                            "First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out.
                            Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out.
                            Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.
                            And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me."

                            "The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Who can know it?" -Jeremiah 17:9
                            Last edited by Muadib; September 12, 2007, 12:03 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                              thank but no thanks. i don't NEED to ponder this, you should also bear in mind that it can (and has) worked both ways no pun intended......as for you fallacy about predisposition, i leave that as it is, a fallacy!

                              not really interested in any further discussion on this topic.....
                              Ignorance is bliss ?

