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EOJ and Danville failed us

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  • #16
    yo tink caddilac cheap
    Karl commenting on Maschaeroni's sending off, "Getting sent off like that is anti-TEAM!
    Terrible decision by the player!":busshead::Laugh&roll::Laugh&roll::eek::La ugh&roll:


    • #17
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #18
        I stand behind you on that. You have been consistent and that is admirable.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sickko View Post
          People like Lazie behave as if Danville Walker was the be all of the electoral process, he was Director of Elections and nothing more, nothing less.

          He has absolutely no authority to speak about the eligibility of the candidates and if he had done his job properly, those with US passport could not have been nominated.

          Dabdoub's writ actually has Vaz's US passport number in it so this is no joke thing.

          Only a judge can decide whether some one is eligible or not so Walker needs to chill.

          BTW he was a PJ appointee so dont be surprised if he steps down soon.
          Really? I guess the JLP winning has affected your thinking. Wasn't I the only one knocking him here while the poppyshow brigade defended him? Now course change unuh have problem wid him.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #20
            Where is PJ now - unuh check him passport lately A time fi the mansion in Hotlanta to be occupied!
            Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
            - Langston Hughes


            • #21

              Him have US or French passport already? LoL


              • #22
                Notice how everyone a skip around the inability of registered voters to vote.

                the problem is that we can't even debate that point without someone framing it as a JLP vs PNP issue as seeking the truth of what happened.

                How are we going to review what we did and how we can do better if we don't have correct data to go by?

                Is it possible for one minute to put aside party politics and note that with so much outside money coming into this election was everyone above board? We all thought that (mostly white)NBA refs were saints even though the(mostly black inner city) "street hustler" basketball players were telling us that something was wrong. hmmm.

                Deh pon a ends yesterday and a man show mi say him talk to him brethrin in JA and the man tell him say a "pure shot a fire dung yah"
                Say the man ask him fi guess how many AK-47 dem have pon the ends and when him couldn't guess it correctly the man told him they had 900.

                I didn't believe him as I heard of stockpiles but a dat dem mean when dem say "Guns Den"?

                A Flesh inna south st andrew area tell mi say him hear some gun a buss wah him never hear yet.

                This is the best thing ever happened to Jamaica because it seems as if the only way the gun issue ago get solved is when the youths dem get out of control and start attacking dem "masters"

                Wah dem say again in "Shotta's"? If you no feed the dog then the dog ago turn round bite you.

                So wah ago happen now that a man feel say him was unfairly robbed of his share? Memba say now most of dem man yah with guns nah do no form of thinking and reasoning as they wouldnt' be fighting for politicians and dons if they were.

                So dem keep the youths dem illiterate fi control dem(thats why a lot of people rate Isaiah as a TRUE prophet as dem see everything coming to pass) Now its turning back on them finally and oh what a happy day when the youths aren't issued guns anymore and the yoke of physical and mental bondage is thrown off. I mean don't we believe in Karma and what you sow so shall you reap? So can we please step aside and let prophecy fulfill? As after all it was written in the book of life.

                BTW the election ended as it should and Portia didn't deserve to win right away(she will eventually prevail as its written in prophecy) Jamaica don't deal with "soft" people and she didn't do the tough job she had to do at the beginning.

                The Jamaican people knew like I do that the black woman is the formula. what most black women are missing out on today is that they are the planners but they need a man who is a leader to grow them to that level much like how they grow a man.

                This Oprah bull of having these women think that they are smarter than anything alive is whats killing black people(thats why dem keep her around so long and make her "powerful") Susie Orman and all of dem a distract our women into thinking they don't need a man but then look what happened to Portia.

                She needed someone who when she come home would tell her as they lay on the pillow to "tek weh yuself from dem bwoy deh" and when the PNP dem diss the big man would say look dem bwoy deh nah go change so cut dem! Only when you tek it wicked to dem will they respect you.

                Jamaicans might not like a person who stand their ground but in the end they RESPECT you. Look at our history and see how we rate the "big man"
                The Don in the community who when work have fi get mash dem man deh lead the "march out"

                Listen to the names of our music rythms "March Out" etc. Selectors always shout out "walk out my girl walk out" "tek a step" "Lead out"
                Its ingrained in our minds to respect the man who "go out deh" go get him things regardless if its illegal or legal. We respect the big man who take a chance and run off go foreign and make it big
                The man who "try a thing" instead of sitting and hoping for the best.

                Portia lost respect when she ran and hid and thats what most women will do if dem no know themselves as while they can plan most don't understand the nuances of conflicts and that more time you have to stand your ground and tek it back wicked to any guy who dare flip up.

                You have to be known as a man who quick fi "pop off" or "rise it" "bad man no inna no long argument" "gun talk you lipservice fi walk"

                Thats who we are and Portia never got it. If she had won then it would have been the same thing over and over again.

                Now she realise say dem fight her and guess what? "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

                Now Lets see if she stands up to the PNP big wigs at the Party Conference and "clean house" or if she gets run over.

                Can't reveal the outcome but go read the book of Isaiah and you will pretty much see it written there.

                By the way the man dem notice say for Bruce to be elected and taken serious within the JLP he had to go get his "Garisson credentials" and validation.

                So the thing set up, You go pay your respect to the Don and so the streets give you your respect. You don't just walk back into the organisation you have to EARN your way back in and show LOYALTY.

                When dem run up inna Tivoli Bruce had to stand behind the Garisson and no flinch or else that would be the end of his political career.

                By the way Mosiah, Karl and Tilla did Mr Seaga link you guys off that Email I sent him with you guys copied on it? I see where he used the "formula" off the reggaeboyzsc fundraising ideas to double up the NPL sponsorship and save the league(a big round of applause to the reggaeboyz supporters club gentlemen a lot of time we talk but it was all a collection of ideas from off the site that I happened to put together and send to Mr Seaga as i felt we were not moving aggresively enough)

                Thanks to all who put forth ideas over the years on this site and we can rest assured that we have begun to make a difference.

                The next step is the $6 million US factory in Jamaica that will be able to produce our "Brand Jamaica" apparrels and for those who don't know Mr Seaga was the brainchild behind "tings Jamaica" Thanks to Assasin for his mentoring and getting me to move beyond the party politics(and chatting too much pon the forum) and sending the "formula" to the Distinguished fellow at UWI

                Just think we will be able to kill so many birds with one stone. Youths will be able to get jobs that include "Photoshop designing for t-shirts, jersyes, dresses, premium jeans and promotional materials along with web advertising" "T-shirt, jerseys and fabric printing" "garment making"
                "sales" both online and our very own telephone bank.
                "Shipping and Logistics" Marketing and Branding etc. etc.
                Cross Promotion with our entertainment and sporting stars etc. etc.

                just off one $6 million US investment we can create a whole industry that would take advantage of our music.

                Our concerts will then be a form of "travelling fair show" to showcase our products to the world.

                Just imagine a non profit entity tekking it to dem anywhere in the world with free "sponsored" shows and the booths showcasing products reflecting our "organic" lifestyle?

                You see its all in your mind and during the pregnancy I went deep within (and took the "formula" to Jamaica to get it started and they rejected it. Only Mr Seaga invited me to sit and discuss it with him at UWI)

                I was already in Cali when I got his email and over the past few months I have been refining this proposal while trying to figure out what its missing.
                Those late nights and "strong meditation" forced me to go deeeep within to find out who I was and it was then that I started growing and noticing that it was our "mind" that was keeping us back . As a man thinketh so is he"

                I then flipped the script and said to myself how can I run out pon dem and tek it to dem wicked yet at the same time dem can't say anything or hate?
                What can I use? (held a serious meditation) and after a few days it hit me

                You have to use the youths my lord. No one can hate on children and also you must use a non profit organisation as then anyone can "buy" into the vision and provide the funds to get things done(the non profit part came from reasoning with neighbours and store owners) white people who know the game and they said Shatta you working too hard son.

                Get a non profit and let people and corporations give you money to get your thing done. Kids and the environment you can't go wrong

                So then mi rally back reach inna mi medicinal cabinet and say wait deh if you a check fi the youths dem automatically you checking for the environment cause you no mus want better fi you youths than what you had for yourself so why would you mess up the earth then?

                sidenote: Nah lie right now California have the most organised medicinal marijuana industry and mi used to hear bout all some $200 a 1/8 prescription but from all reports dem worth every cent of it.

                So why Jamaica no look into that too or even better than that tap into the hemp market. I went to the factory I am using to make my reggaeboyz jerseys and the owner showed me some organic cotton and cotton/bamboo fabric. Yow right now thats the hottest thing on the market besides red green and gold.

                You say sustainable earth and it gone. None of my 25 plus clothing stores that I deal with can keep hemp or even the recyclable plastic and cotton clothing pon the shelf.(don't really know bout the plastic still)

                The Magic show in Vegas really opened my eyes to the true potential of this thing plus its not even that hard to start. Its all a misconception as all you need to start selling are samples and then you take order from them

                You only make what you have orders for so then you can drive around all day with just samples in your car and your catalogue order form.

                I will post the "formula" again for those who missed it the first time around and there is an "open" invitation to be on the board of directors of the Non profit organisation.

                Any man welcomed to work the only requirement is to love children


                back to topic I just had to get that off my chest before I go back to work and so I didn't want to be making too many posts

                Check out the above link and tell me what unnu think


                • #23
                  So when Seaga did tell them fi fire Danville years ago nuh the PNP did come to his rescue and everybody say Seaga was grumpy and a cry over spoilt milk.

                  All of a sudden Danville nah do a good job. I don't hear many labourite crying now.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #24
                    unnu nuh easy at all! heh heh!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #25
                      I wanted his removal before the election. But you won't remember that, of course.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #26
                        Did you ever see me make any post about Danville before now, or did you see where I write that his ineptitude affected just one party?

                        Danville failed the Jamaican people not the PNP or JLP.
                        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                        Che Guevara.


                        • #27
                          i wonder if you would have said that if the pnp won? hint...yes...is the best answer to give

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #28
                            I would have because even before the elections he overstepped his boundaries by making releases about the eligibility of candidates..he had no legal or moral rights to say anything about that at all.

                            Additionally from before election day I know lots of people who took time ff to go reverify whose names did not appear on the voters list.

                            The EOJ did a shoddy job and has a lot to answer for.
                            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                            Che Guevara.


                            • #29
                              Consistency doesn't always translate into correctednes. She alone must decide if she should stay and fight those who fought her. Portia was undermined straight and simple.


                              • #30
                                And then after the election he said that we waited long enuff for it. That is not for him to opine.

                                He has lost his way and his mandate. Time to step!

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

