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'We must never betray trust'

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  • 'We must never betray trust'

    As it exits at the moment, the Jamaica labour Party commands the majority of the seats in the House of Parliament. But I want to make it clear that the narrowness of this result poses significant challenges not just for me and not just for the team that I lead but indeed for the country.

    I know that the supporters of the party are in a celebratory mood because the last time we felt this way would have been 27 years ago in 1980. But I want to suggest to you that while no one begrudges your cause of celebration, it is more a time for engagement. It may very well be that the people of Jamaica, in their own profound wisdom, are sending a clear message that the time has come for constructive engagement among the political forces of the country.

    New framework
    I had hoped before I came here to address you that I would have had a conversation with the Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller; regrettably that conversation has not taken place because regardless of what was the margin of victory, I had planned to indicate that under my leadership and under a government that I would lead, we would seek to establish a new framework that would seek to establish an inclusiveness in the relationship between the Government and the Opposition.

    I say that because we make a mistake if we believe that any party, no matter how large its majority, we make a mistake if we believe that a party becoming Government is going to be able to take this government as fast as this country needs to go, if it does so on its own steam without the cooperation of all the people of Jamaica and to the extent that the People's National Party represents a significant body in the country, it is important in going forward, it is important for there to be a serious programme, a new paradigm of constructive engagement. I regret that we perhaps will have to wait until the final determination is made, as to the result of those seats that were narrowly won or lost before we are going to be able to embark on that important initiative.

    Honour trust
    It has been a long campaign, it has been a long election period and I want to give thanks this evening that in most constituencies, the election were held peacefully and orderly. And that demonstrate the remarkable capacity of our democracy to effect change and to facilitate the transition of power in an orderly and constructive way.

    This evening I ask, I ask you and the people of Jamaica to join me in praying God's blessing and guidance on all of us, on the new government I plan to lead and the country that will look to me for leadership for the next five years. I want to thank the Jamaican people for this support; on the preliminary count, we not only won a majority of the seats, we won a majority of the votes a small majority; but it's a reflection of the support that the people gave us. And I want to thank them for that. The majority of the people of Jamaica have placed their trust in us. We must honour that trust. We must never betray that trust.
    Last edited by Karl; September 5, 2007, 12:48 PM.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    And then he goes and pays respect only to JLP prime ministers.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      And then he goes and pays respect only to JLP prime ministers.
      whats the fuss about that? The man is leader of the JLP, whats wrong with paying respect to previous leaders?
      "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


      • #4
        Lazie, it's time for our leaders to think of JAMAICA first, party second, or wherever. But it must be Jamaica first.

        Would it take anything off him to pay homage to all our previous prime ministers? Especially after such a speech?



        • #5
          Why dont you give it up? You are only allowing yourself to see possible negatives. Allow yourself to see possible pure motives too. If you can only see negatives in peoples actions you will miss a lot of really good things.
          "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            Lazie, it's time for our leaders to think of JAMAICA first, party second, or wherever. But it must be Jamaica first.

            Would it take anything off him to pay homage to all our previous prime ministers? Especially after such a speech?
            Has Bruce been sworn in as PM as yet? I bet if he had done what you claiming he should have done, you and others would be here cussing him how him acting prime ministerial and how him hungry fi power.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              Okay. Yuh have a point there. Great pirouette!

              However, tell me if his speech is anything but a prime ministerial speech.

              Lazie, time for us to do everything to break down these tribal barriers!!! I can't stress this enuff. Anything less, and we will continue to languish in our 1.6% growth.

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                I've only just begun!

                People in Jamaica have dem hand out waiting fi dem school fees refund, suh yuh can stay dere!

                Westman, when people like you and Lazie can only see the good in the JLP there will always be a place for people like me who can identify the "bad". And it's just not true that I "only allowing myself to see possible negatives." Not true one bit!!!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                  Okay. Yuh have a point there. Great pirouette!

                  However, tell me if his speech is anything but a prime ministerial speech.

                  Lazie, time for us to do everything to break down these tribal barriers!!! I can't stress this enuff. Anything less, and we will continue to languish in our 1.6% growth.
                  Fully agree with that last paragraph, but how is paying respect to other party leaders being tribalistic? mi know mi head tuff ... but mi just not seeing it.
                  "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                    I've only just begun!

                    People in Jamaica have dem hand out waiting fi dem school fees refund, suh yuh can stay dere!

                    Westman, when people like you and Lazie can only see the good in the JLP there will always be a place for people like me who can identify the "bad". And it's just not true that I "only allowing myself to see possible negatives." Not true one bit!!!
                    Isn't it on the news that they will be making a public statement tomorrow on the issue?
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11

                      Yuh finally agree! Wonders never cease.

                      Mosiah's point is that he needs to go overboard during this initial period to set the tone. It will be hard to win over the PNP people, so he needs all the help he can get, even if symbolic.


                      • #12
                        Look people,

                        $2 to 3b is really just chickenfeed, let us just make that clear upfront! ROTFLMAO

                        The PNP Govt was really nickel and diming the population. I am sure it cost more than the $365m they took in to actually collect and administer those health user fees. After people have to pay ever increasing taxes, be screwed by the Mirants of this world, be tolled up the wazoo, why the hell were they further pressured for these fees that the Govt obviously did not need!! They found the money on the shortest of notice AND they spent waaaayyy more on CWC!

                        BTW, I hear the Greenfield stadium have grazing grass now that pass you knee!!! LoL Joke business.
                        Last edited by Willi; September 5, 2007, 07:58 PM.


                        • #13
                          we can just pack up a guh 'bout wi business now...."nothing to see here...move along"

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Simply that.

                            But are we really expecting magnanimity from Bruce? That was his word. Maybe Lazie and Westman need to get a dictionary.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              the people dem smart. Them get them Hurricane check and now a wait fi the school refund.
                              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

