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Despite what Lazie and others may think about the
Management of the nations affairs is a different topic. I thought we was debating wether Jamaica is a supposedly PNP country, ie historically have a large percentage more fanatics that the JLP? My argument is that this is a very recent development in our history and is almost TOTALLY due to the JLP losing thier fanatics because of almost self-destructing.
If the PNP infighting continues for a few years and Bruce does even a half-decent job at running the country, see how fast that will change."It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Originally posted by Gamma View Posthow can you focus on working together when your immediate thought is how to win the next election?!!! this shows disregard not so much for the government as for the people for whom the government should work!
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! government not even sworn in yet!!!!
It merely means you pick out areas where the thought process does not run in sync with yours for producing better results...and, being quicker to act on matters where it may appear easy(?) or easily seen(?) or obvious to any thinking person(?) and being first to suggest and or act on and or...(?) but, using that to your advantage.
It means you have to be now 'quicker on your feet' than the ruling party and more often on the ground in the constituencies and more visible - in/on media outlets and in the constituencies, doing good deeds/'looking good'.
First thing to do - replicate NNN advise which Bruce gobbled up...and, give a better late than never stateman-like speech thanking the Jamaican people for.... Pick the time - just previous to swearing in?! Might be a good time! ...or, after petitions are filed in the courts? Might also be a good time!
Pick an occasion and have a paid broadcast - Recounting all the developments during the last 18 years...countering the continuous nonsense...still being said about nothing having been done. - itemise projects (print media - paid)...telling the people they can be justly proud of their work on those projects conceived by the PNP and executed with their labour...yuh nuh mek the people the one's whose work the JLP and the naysayers are attacking as being nothing. ...e.g. ruff copy/idea in...session... - We would like to thank those of you ...or, the inclusive "us"?... who worked on xxxx high school, bbbbb hospital, cccc fire station, dddd police station...enabled us to build...grow...whatever during the ...year(s)....the PNP and indeed most Jamaicans are appreciative...etc....
...get people on the talkshows and the roundtable sessions to add to the visibility --- all with a no malice to any disposition...but, a subtle how can people be so wiked to call the people's work and work on the people's behalf nothing."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."