of the Prime Minister on the night of the debate. How can be ashamed when I see a true refelction of myself and my history? How many of us negroes, descendant of slaves had tradition of family with wealth going down the ages. Most if not all can be traced to humble beginings (circa emancipation). Can we look at Nanny P's time, then look at the school system? We would conclude that she must be gifted to be where she is today. How many of us negroes pointing fingers, have mothers , fathers with top quality education? Okay Nanny P did not get early college education (busy trying to survive) so that she can expertly manipulate words as the sophists did. What I do know and (she said it) was that she is a leader. Do we understand what is political leadership? If it was space programme we were putting together, I would be the first to say Nanny P you are not equipped with the right tools for this one.
Let me ask this question: Didn't Nanny P stood up for the rights of all jakans (JLP &PNP) with total disregard for alienation by her peers? I am yet to see Bruce stand on an issue that is outside of his party's policy.
Can Bruce go to the rural interior of Ja nad say to the Primary school kids; you can be Prime minister just as I did? The kids would murmur an say afta mi nuh haff no soceity fren an mi nuh haff nuh money ah who him a fool?
Now can Nanny P tell our youth that I did so can you? Yes without a doubt and this is the first step to removing mental shackles that bridles our mind.
Nanny P is a symbol of the true Jakan spirit (HARD WORK), how many of us came to the states with nothing and did two jobs, went to school in order to start our business or buy that lovely home? Did anyone give us a free ride here? Why should we neglect self reliance and hard work for freeness. Where in history has it been shown that wealth was just given away to the poor all went well? Why are we allowing ourselves to deceived? It is only through hard work and sacrifice that Ja will be prosperous as a nation. One cannot sit and wealth fall on ones' back. We are now lazy and charlatans have found a way to exploit this laziness.
Because of Joshua's work many of us are allowed in the mainstream, this in turn has caused us to lose focus and think we have arrived. If the mistake is made Monday then we will all see that we had accomplished very little.
I see Parson Stoddart saying that Nanny P is not fit for the job and implicitly implying educational background. Is Stoddard fit to be a pastor and by whose standards? Did Marcus Garvey go to College? Yet the "educated" at the time called him a bufoon. Now these modern day ones are saying Garvey is one of the greatest black thinkers
I would tell Stoddard to go tell the people the truth and leave the politics of the state alone. I guess seventy years from now; you will hear ah Nanny P was a great leader and many "intellectuals" telling the youth that how could one not vote for this great leader, madness.
Let me ask this question: Didn't Nanny P stood up for the rights of all jakans (JLP &PNP) with total disregard for alienation by her peers? I am yet to see Bruce stand on an issue that is outside of his party's policy.
Can Bruce go to the rural interior of Ja nad say to the Primary school kids; you can be Prime minister just as I did? The kids would murmur an say afta mi nuh haff no soceity fren an mi nuh haff nuh money ah who him a fool?
Now can Nanny P tell our youth that I did so can you? Yes without a doubt and this is the first step to removing mental shackles that bridles our mind.
Nanny P is a symbol of the true Jakan spirit (HARD WORK), how many of us came to the states with nothing and did two jobs, went to school in order to start our business or buy that lovely home? Did anyone give us a free ride here? Why should we neglect self reliance and hard work for freeness. Where in history has it been shown that wealth was just given away to the poor all went well? Why are we allowing ourselves to deceived? It is only through hard work and sacrifice that Ja will be prosperous as a nation. One cannot sit and wealth fall on ones' back. We are now lazy and charlatans have found a way to exploit this laziness.
Because of Joshua's work many of us are allowed in the mainstream, this in turn has caused us to lose focus and think we have arrived. If the mistake is made Monday then we will all see that we had accomplished very little.
I see Parson Stoddart saying that Nanny P is not fit for the job and implicitly implying educational background. Is Stoddard fit to be a pastor and by whose standards? Did Marcus Garvey go to College? Yet the "educated" at the time called him a bufoon. Now these modern day ones are saying Garvey is one of the greatest black thinkers
