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Lazie - on RJR's website

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  • Lazie - on RJR's website

    Police avert political clashes in Chapelton, Clarendon Wednesday, 29 August 2007 The police are maintaining a strong presence in the town of Chapelton in Clarendon following a verbal clash between supporters of the two main political parties Wednesday afternoon.

    Speaking with RJR News Wednesday afternoon, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Patrick Murdoch said the police had to rush into the community following reports of rising tensions between supporters of the People's National Party and Jamaica Labour Party in the area.

    "We have dispatched teams of policemen to various locations to ensure that the peace is being maintained. However on arrival to Frankfield we got word that there were verbal clashes between supporters in Chapelton Square. Hence a team of policemen went back to the area," said Deputy Superintendent Murdoch.

    "The situation is now under control but what we've gathered was some verbal exchange between both sides and the presence of the police seem to prevent any further clashes,"

    "I have spoken to the Member of Parliament, Pearnel Charles and he has given his assurance that he will ensure that his supporters conform with the requirements of the law," he said.

    When our news team went to the area, scores of green-clad supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party were seen lining the streets.

    The JLP is scheduled to hold a mass meeting in Frankfield, Clarendon Wednesday night.

  • #2
    Army being contemplated for NC Clarendon

    Thursday, 30 August 2007
    If People's National Party candidate for North Central Clarendon Ralph Thomas has his way the army could be called out to provide additional security in the constituency on Election Day next Monday.
    Mr. Thomas says following Wednesday's clash between PNP and JLP supporters he's concerned about the level of security ahead of the General Election.

    He says if the police are unable to bring the situation under control he will make a request for the army to be deployed.

    The PNP candidate told our news centre that he has raised the matter with Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller.

    The police are maintaining a strong presence in Chapelton after supporters of the two main political parties came face to face Wednesday afternoon.

    There was an altercation involving some of the supporters resulting in the police rushing to the community to restore order.

    And investigations are being carried into an incident in which PNP supporters were stoned in Western Portland Wednesday.

    A car owned by a Party member was reportedly damaged during the attack near Hope Bay.

    Errol Ennis, who is the Road Manager for PNP candidate Abe Dabdoub says the police had to be called on to escort the group from the area.

    The police are keeping a close watch on King Street in downtown Montego Bay following two drive-by shootings which have left three persons hospitalised.

    The first incident took place Wednesday afternoon while the second shooting occurred four hours later.


    • #3
      Tell me how come party slogan on RJR news site? Who write the article??


      • #4
        Currently listening to NNN and this is getting out of hand. Manchester, Clarendon, St. Catherine and KASA. Even in Hanover where DK is accused of assaulting his opponent.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          I don't know why are like this. Saddens me. I think that the political thugs on both sides were feeling sidelined and needed to stake their claim for sustainability...who needs 'backitive' in times of peace. So they cause some chaos and then 'balance' is needed and it just escalates. The army should have been called in long tome...but then we'd get cries of 'police state'.
          Jamaica needs heavy show of force otherwise the lumpen will run riot - from both sides.
          Hope no more Jamaican lives are lost - we have to stop counting JLP/PNP bodies...
          To all have a safe election...vote if you can...shout if you want..support who you want..in the final count we are ALL Jamaicans (except for the gree-card and blue passport man dem and the Swiss, and island chain man dem.....).
          Sorry this forum has chased away ALL the women...I miss them all, they brought balance, humour and feeling...


          • #6
            I just spoke to the Sandy Bay police and they are saying some thing different, no physical contact. DK was campaigning on Gray's street and the two met.

            DK according to the police report asked Gray for a quick meeting to discuss a song that was being played on the JLP cars about PNP running DK out of the party, in contravention of the Political code of conduct.

            Ofcourse the rabble with both men started making a fuss and it was cooled down.

            Both men made reports to the police station.
            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
            Che Guevara.


            • #7
              Well the army better get busy
              because Bruce says he will give them "police training". Well we all know that is one type training soldiers get. Now if we are going to have citizen police coupled with the army "trained" as Police, I guess some of the present cops will be out of work either way. Good ting mi can see through the manipulation of words because after all those free ness cuts have to be in some places

