Look at the National economy,Bearn sterns have demoted jamaican Bonds.The JLP which this current leader Bruce Goldimg is the leader always have a economy that does not take a rocket sciencetist to figure out.The Net reserve which was at US$2.5billion dip.No economic growth,High crime rate,devalued currency,no confidence from our leaders including our business heads,what going on?.On 4/8/07 jamaica takes part in History when a new Prime Minister come to power.
Bruce knows what to do,Fix exchange rate,McMiillan head the security forces,by then we will be receiving news that Natural gas dicovered in commercial quantity to help the economy which is fueless under the current Minister of mining and energy Hon. Paulwell.
We look forward to a more prosperous jamaica,under Bruce Golding,he remind us of william Gordon so much,all I can say is,'live and let others live.'
Bruce knows what to do,Fix exchange rate,McMiillan head the security forces,by then we will be receiving news that Natural gas dicovered in commercial quantity to help the economy which is fueless under the current Minister of mining and energy Hon. Paulwell.
We look forward to a more prosperous jamaica,under Bruce Golding,he remind us of william Gordon so much,all I can say is,'live and let others live.'