Wednesday, 29 August 2007 With four days to go before the country goes to the polls, political parties and media houses are being warned that no advertisements can be aired or printed after midnight on Sunday.
Political parties have noticeably increased their advertising in the run up to the polls which analysts say will be closely contested.
Political Ombudsman Bishop Herro Blair says no advertisements can be aired on Election Day.
"I have been asked over the past 48 hours if it is possible for media houses to accept advertisement from the political parties on the penultimate day of the election," said Bishop Blair.
"There is nothing in law to prevent the media houses from doing this. They might want to do it from their own specific standpoint, I have no problems with it and my office will not prevent media houses from accepting advertisement until midnight on Sunday," he said.
Political parties have noticeably increased their advertising in the run up to the polls which analysts say will be closely contested.
Political Ombudsman Bishop Herro Blair says no advertisements can be aired on Election Day.
"I have been asked over the past 48 hours if it is possible for media houses to accept advertisement from the political parties on the penultimate day of the election," said Bishop Blair.
"There is nothing in law to prevent the media houses from doing this. They might want to do it from their own specific standpoint, I have no problems with it and my office will not prevent media houses from accepting advertisement until midnight on Sunday," he said.