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Oil money to build eye clinic - First-class optical centre planned for St Mary
published: Saturday | September 9, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Yahneake Sterling, Staff Reporter

Patients of the Jamaica/Cuba Eye Care programme cheer the Cuban <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">medical</SPAN> team whose members were present yesterday at the first anniversary celebration of the programme, at the Ministry of Health, King Street, downtown Kingston. - Junior Dowie/Staff <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Photographer</SPAN>
The Government has received US$5 million (J$330 million) from the Venezuelan Government through the PetroCaribe agreement, to construct a first-class <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">ophthalmology</SPAN> centre in the parish of St. Mary.
Minister of <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Health</SPAN> Horace Dalley made the disclosure at the one-year celebration of the Jamaica/Cuba Eye Care programme held at the ministry's head office in Kingston yesterday.
"That centre will be a centre of excellence where we will have Jamaican ophthalmologists, Cuban ophthalmologists, Trinidadian ophthalmologists ... and ophthalmologists from anywhere in the world who want to offer their skills and expertise to the people of Jamaica," Mr. Dalley said.
The Health Minister noted that facilities in the country
Oil money to build eye clinic - First-class optical centre planned for St Mary
published: Saturday | September 9, 2006 <DIV class=KonaBody>
Yahneake Sterling, Staff Reporter

Patients of the Jamaica/Cuba Eye Care programme cheer the Cuban <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">medical</SPAN> team whose members were present yesterday at the first anniversary celebration of the programme, at the Ministry of Health, King Street, downtown Kingston. - Junior Dowie/Staff <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 700; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Photographer</SPAN>
The Government has received US$5 million (J$330 million) from the Venezuelan Government through the PetroCaribe agreement, to construct a first-class <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">ophthalmology</SPAN> centre in the parish of St. Mary.
Minister of <SPAN class=kLink style="FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: orange! important; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; POSITION: relative">Health</SPAN> Horace Dalley made the disclosure at the one-year celebration of the Jamaica/Cuba Eye Care programme held at the ministry's head office in Kingston yesterday.
"That centre will be a centre of excellence where we will have Jamaican ophthalmologists, Cuban ophthalmologists, Trinidadian ophthalmologists ... and ophthalmologists from anywhere in the world who want to offer their skills and expertise to the people of Jamaica," Mr. Dalley said.
The Health Minister noted that facilities in the country