Size of current workforce?
Available jobs?
Size of the island?
Where we are in productive capacity?
Annual turn out of new workers - drop-outs, high school grads, teachers' colleges, nursing schools, private colleges, Universities, returning residents, foreign inflows of persons...those currently unemployed?
Would at any time under what conditions could total employment (90% - 98%?) occur? Would that be sustainable? ...if so, for how long?
...or, is the truth - our governments should have systems in place where we are turning out graduates that are 100% employable - which suggests an appreciable number of the graduates MUST SEEK EMPLOYMENT outside of the island! Yes? No?
Available jobs?
Size of the island?
Where we are in productive capacity?
Annual turn out of new workers - drop-outs, high school grads, teachers' colleges, nursing schools, private colleges, Universities, returning residents, foreign inflows of persons...those currently unemployed?
Would at any time under what conditions could total employment (90% - 98%?) occur? Would that be sustainable? ...if so, for how long?
...or, is the truth - our governments should have systems in place where we are turning out graduates that are 100% employable - which suggests an appreciable number of the graduates MUST SEEK EMPLOYMENT outside of the island! Yes? No?