Originally posted by Don1
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This clown was badgering me if I knew that a video I posted that Tegat Davis was in it, even though Tegat name was in highlights. His implication was , I didnt know it was Tegat therefore I dont know the runnings of football.
He then proceeded to tell me he knew Tegat was affiliated with a football academy out west and he visits him regulary. I then told him Tegat is no longer at that place and he should know that given his excalamtions.
Not to be out done, I listened to a radio program and gave my impressions of the interview, i.e its implications. The clown said my personal assesment of implications is a lie, because I heard it from the radio and not the source itself.
I have long stated, well campaigned that Jamaican coaches should elevate their knowledge to that of the UEFA A licence standard. The clown said because I referenced the USSF - A lic in a post as the standard , he states I was being deceptive .
Expecting him and his ilk to understand logic is like wandering in a desert hoping you will find a pond.