Very few can Karl. I mean, even here in the USA many would not be able to withstand 6 to 8 hours of sustained 150 mph winds. In the first place, most would lose their roofs. I would expect the concrete walls to be able to hold up, but the roofs are what I am worried about.
"Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran
Very few can Karl. I mean, even here in the USA many would not be able to withstand 6 to 8 hours of sustained 150 mph winds. In the first place, most would lose their roofs. I would expect the concrete walls to be able to hold up, but the roofs are what I am worried about.
Well we'll see!
It would be so nice if someone could givve figures on the residential housing stock?
btw - When "Wild" Gilbert struck, what was the speed of the highest winds?
...and, if you are wondering - there was a hue and cry about damage...but, from personal observations not much damage was done to residential property - few roofs were lost and a few houses near some rivers and some gullies were extensively damaged.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
In recent times,lots of home are now built to with stand hurricane.The CNN man does not know what he's talking about.we will have way less than fifty deaths.
It was not 180 mph when it hit Jamaica. It was a borderline Cat3-Cat4 depending on whose record you check.
Still I would expect our concrete structures to withstand Dean. The roofs will go but not the main structure. They will certainly do better than South Florida during Andrew (Florida has greatly improved thier building codes since then)
My guess is that the CNN guy was referring to the "shacks" which will go with the first 120 mph gust. I don't know what proportion of the housing stock that represents, and I doubt he knows either.
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass
Hey, if the CNN says it, then is so it go! Right, HL?
The average Jamaican structure is inherently stronger than American structures. We have concrete blocks, they use wood. We have hurricane straps, they have "what the hell is that?"