I don't read links you post. I've found that since you have problems in evaluating basic information or understanding simple concepts your links unfortunately range from irrelevance to nonsensical re the issue at hand.
Technology is related to and integrated in EVERY modern industry. With the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution this will only grow exponentially.
The idea that technology is somehow dependent on tourism is one only an ass would posit. The reality is that it's tourism which is dependent on technology
Not saying you are an ass but.... is that a position you'd like to be ASSume?
Bettah yuh lef dat ass ting to Jangle wid im plan fi convert St Thomas to a WhoreZone catering to tourists
Technology is integrated in and an enabler of ALL business sectors. Only a Dummy doesn''t recognize this reality...and continues in the false hope that somehow low level tourism can lead Jamaica to prosperity.
There's 60+ years of hard evidence negating that ridiculous belief yet Dummies still repeat the nonsense esp when their tribe in power.
When unnu agguh learn???

Technology is related to and integrated in EVERY modern industry. With the ongoing Industry 4.0 revolution this will only grow exponentially.
The idea that technology is somehow dependent on tourism is one only an ass would posit. The reality is that it's tourism which is dependent on technology

Not saying you are an ass but.... is that a position you'd like to be ASSume?

Bettah yuh lef dat ass ting to Jangle wid im plan fi convert St Thomas to a WhoreZone catering to tourists

Technology is integrated in and an enabler of ALL business sectors. Only a Dummy doesn''t recognize this reality...and continues in the false hope that somehow low level tourism can lead Jamaica to prosperity.

There's 60+ years of hard evidence negating that ridiculous belief yet Dummies still repeat the nonsense esp when their tribe in power.

When unnu agguh learn???
