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Golding a 'profiler', says Simpson Miller

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  • Golding a 'profiler', says Simpson Miller

    published: Tuesday | August 14, 2007

    Just days after the clash in the national debate between Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Jamaica Labour Party leader, Bruce Golding, Mrs. Simpson Miller has labelled Mr. Golding as a "profiler".

    Most analysts had agreed that Mrs. Simpson Miller was outclassed by Mr. Golding in the leadership debate, which was aired live on television and radio Saturday night.
    However, addressing scores of comrades in front of Christopher Munroe's North Central St. Andrew constituency office yesterday, Mrs. Simpson Miller said that despite Mr. Golding's image, he will be beaten and sent into political retirement on August 27.

    "No profiler can match me, no profiler can beat me in the election," Mrs. Simpson Miller said.

    She told comrades that she is a worker and not a talker, and during her one year as Prime Minister, she has done more than any other prime minister has done over the same period.

    She urged Jamaicans to judge her by her performance, not only as Prime Minister, but also in her previous ministries. Looking ahead to the election, Mrs. Simpson Miller again expressed confidence that her party will win, saying, "the people of Jamaica will be sending him into official political retirement on August 27".
    Last edited by Karl; August 14, 2007, 04:28 PM.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Portia can talk now? The only profiler I see is the imposter profiling as the Jamaica PM.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      What exactly has she done in the one year? And if she can do all that, then why worry about "her own mandate"?



      • #4
        She dropped the ball.

        Instead of worrying about mandate and being afraid to rock the boat...Portia should have set herself the task of cleaning house and making her mark in whatever time she was granted.

        All that goodwill from all sides! She would have had unprecedented cross party support. Instead, she fell back on her fears and banked on the familiar tried and proven methods and now she has no guarantees.

        I think the debate really hurt her for a few reasons not widely discussed.
        The Paulwell question left her looking soft on corruption, the S.W. St. Andrew lack of development (with the RECENTLY started initiatives) made her appear cynical and calculating in her methods and her overuse of "I" made her seem megalomanic. It seemed futile and off-kilter to be blaming Golding for not building houses in her constituency some 18 years ago!!! It begged the question of what she was doing for HER people all these years!!!

        Any objective analysis would lead to the conclusion that SHE is the profiler who has negelected to take care of her own "flock" and now is rushing to do a ting.


        • #5
          Pity she was not elected after Gordon Brown. He cleaned house from the day he stepped in and I have not heard a word from him (or from anyone else for that matter) about "own mandate". He tries his hardest to distance himself from Tony Blair, without, of course, turning things upside down.

          Portia has herself and no one to blame if she loses this election. Well, maybe she had some eediat advisers she needs to get rid too.



          • #6
            I think her major weakness is the people that surround her. There must be be better advisors. If she wins, she must get rid of the fluff.

