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No plans to disband JDF - Golding

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  • No plans to disband JDF - Golding

    No plans to disband JDF - Golding
    BALFORD HENRY, Observer writer
    Friday, August 10, 2007

    JAMAICA Labour Party (JLP) leader, Bruce Golding, Tuesday night reiterated his party's position that it has no intention of disbanding the Jamaica Defence Force(JDF), if elected to office on August 27.
    "A rumour has been spread within the army that when we come to power, we are going to disband the army and turn everybody into policemen. Nothing could be further from the truth," Golding said.
    He was speaking at a post-nomination public meeting at Fletcher's Land Square in his West Kingston constituency.
    Golding said that although the JLP's spokesman on national security, Derrick Smith, addressed the issue weeks ago, the rumour has persisted.
    "I keep getting complaints from people in the army that they are being told, inside the army, that they must vote PNP (People's National Party) because if they vote labour, the JLP is going to disband the army," he said.
    "That is really rubbish, because we can't afford to," Golding said. "We need that army. We are faced with such challenges in terms of the security of the country that we need to strengthen that army."
    He said that what the JLP is insisting on, and which has been made quite clear in the party's manifesto, is that since the army has to interact so often with the public it has to be trained how to treat civilians and to respect their human rights.
    "Since the army spends most of its time, in terms of its active duty, supporting the police force on the streets, dealing with citizens, then we need to look at the training of the soldiers," Golding said.
    "Since the army is so frequently used to support the police on the streets, and is not everytime that you see the army on the streets that the police are there, and they are going to have to interact and interface with the citizens, we say that, in the training programme for the soldiers, we would like them to institute some training in civilian law enforcement so that when he goes on the streets, with his gun and his bayonet, he also has an understanding and an appreciation of the fundamental rights of the citizens and he will know how to treat ordinary Jamaicans. That is what we say," he added.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    yuh know something Lazie, It's Neccessary to keep the JDF ...and what bruce said about millitary-to civilian training program it's so Good he came out with that.In various millitia's around the world,soldiers are taught how to operate within civilian while in uniform.The Geneva convention implies that soldiers must not hurt women and children,and must be respectful of captives.He maid Damn good sense deh so.Millitary science is very unique.
    Last edited by Pepsi; September 1, 2007, 11:21 PM.


    • #3
      Read a little more: It's either you are a
      soldier or a police. The training of a soldier is for one thing. If the soldiers gets police training then aren't soldiers anymore. Soldiers aren't supposed to interact with civilians (unless civil disorder). It's simple if the soldiers get quasi police training,then they will be used more often than police (who are viewed as being corrupt) something has to give. What about civilians with Police training? Is Ja becoming a police state? If no then one of securty bodies will shrink. Can't have it two ways.


      • #4
        King Jawge...wad-up!...wad-up wad-uuuuup!???!

        Nice post! You often times keep things balanced and in check...
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          Originally posted by Jawge View Post
          Read a little more: It's either you are a
          soldier or a police. The training of a soldier is for one thing. If the soldiers gets police training then aren't soldiers anymore. Soldiers aren't supposed to interact with civilians (unless civil disorder). It's simple if the soldiers get quasi police training,then they will be used more often than police (who are viewed as being corrupt) something has to give. What about civilians with Police training? Is Ja becoming a police state? If no then one of securty bodies will shrink. Can't have it two ways.
          agree jawge.We already have a Paramillitary in the JCF.However but the jlp version is completely different from what I said.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jawge View Post
            Read a little more: It's either you are a
            soldier or a police. The training of a soldier is for one thing. If the soldiers gets police training then aren't soldiers anymore. Soldiers aren't supposed to interact with civilians (unless civil disorder). It's simple if the soldiers get quasi police training,then they will be used more often than police (who are viewed as being corrupt) something has to give. What about civilians with Police training? Is Ja becoming a police state? If no then one of securty bodies will shrink. Can't have it two ways.
            agree jawge.We already have a Paramillitary in the JCF, but the jlp version is completely different from what I said.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lazie View Post
              No plans to disband JDF - Golding
              BALFORD HENRY, Observer writer
              Friday, August 10, 2007

              JAMAICA Labour Party (JLP) leader, Bruce Golding, Tuesday night reiterated his party's position that it has no intention of disbanding the Jamaica Defence Force(JDF), if elected to office on August 27.
              "A rumour has been spread within the army that when we come to power, we are going to disband the army and turn everybody into policemen. Nothing could be further from the truth," Golding said.
              He was speaking at a post-nomination public meeting at Fletcher's Land Square in his West Kingston constituency.
              Golding said that although the JLP's spokesman on national security, Derrick Smith, addressed the issue weeks ago, the rumour has persisted.
              "I keep getting complaints from people in the army that they are being told, inside the army, that they must vote PNP (People's National Party) because if they vote labour, the JLP is going to disband the army," he said.
              "That is really rubbish, because we can't afford to," Golding said. "We need that army. We are faced with such challenges in terms of the security of the country that we need to strengthen that army."
              He said that what the JLP is insisting on, and which has been made quite clear in the party's manifesto, is that since the army has to interact so often with the public it has to be trained how to treat civilians and to respect their human rights.
              "Since the army spends most of its time, in terms of its active duty, supporting the police force on the streets, dealing with citizens, then we need to look at the training of the soldiers," Golding said.
              "Since the army is so frequently used to support the police on the streets, and is not everytime that you see the army on the streets that the police are there, and they are going to have to interact and interface with the citizens, we say that, in the training programme for the soldiers, we would like them to institute some training in civilian law enforcement so that when he goes on the streets, with his gun and his bayonet, he also has an understanding and an appreciation of the fundamental rights of the citizens and he will know how to treat ordinary Jamaicans. That is what we say," he added.
              The JLP will have to expand on the Air Wing,the army weapons are outdated and besides the founding fathers all have kept a small and effective millitia i.e less than Five Thousand.


              • #8
                Deh bout HL, just
                staying grounded and being the reference point for reality.


                • #9
                  I think what Bruce is saying makes sense. The reality is that Jamaica is not going to be fighting any wars so basically the purpose of the JDF is what the US would call a National Guard outfit. The purpose of such an outfit is to maintain law and order in periods on public emergency. This could be natural disasters, terrorist attacks, an influx of refugees from a neighbouring country or general civil unrest. Maybe from time to time they will be assigned to assist another country in keeping peace.

                  Bottom line is that just about ALL of thier practical duties will involve deal with civilians wether local of foriegn and their training should reflect that.
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    The national guard in the
                    states are trained as soldiers. They are not given police training. Let's say an instance arose (as in JA) where terrorists were going around killing police at random and bringing the precint under heavy gunfire. Civilians would be told to stay in their homes whilst the national guard would be called out to restore LAW AND ORDER. If law and order isn't restored quickly then marines from overseas or nearby would be called in (Daddy bush was going to do this in the Rodney King riots). Soldiers just don't do police work here. Simple (also military traing is way diffrent from police training).


                    • #11
                      Look in many other cultures like Spain and Costa Rica they do it differently.

                      This does not need to be hard and fast.

                      Logical and reasonable changes can be made without any real contraversy.


                      • #12
                        In the case of Costa Rica *

                        Originally posted by Willi View Post
                        Look in many other cultures like Spain and Costa Rica they do it differently.

                        This does not need to be hard and fast.

                        Logical and reasonable changes can be made without any real contraversy.
                        In the case of Costa Rica Yes.


                        • #13
                          Willi Soldier is a
                          soldier police is police. The point is: don't say you are not changing when you are actually doing it. Bruce likes to play the semantics game with everyone and personally I think borders on arrogance and lack of respect for peaple's intelligence. The same way he said he had to join the West Kgn gang culture to effect changes. I felt insulted right there.


                          • #14
                            speaking of lack of respect for people's intelligence.......yuh still a defend this government?

                            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                            • #15

                              Tell me what is the Gendarmerie in France?? Are they soldiers or police? They look and act like Police but have military rank! They have to be saluted by regular soldiers with lesser rank!

                              What is the Guardia Civil in Spain? Spain have about 6 different knids of Police and Soldiers. Heck in Canada, the RCMP is police, but have CIA type functions as well as FBI.

                              Man, you should know that when I talk I aint into the BS business.

