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Jamaica's natural blessings

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  • Jamaica's natural blessings

    What I would like to remind people of is the Maxwell article about development that protect our natural assets.

    The JLP manifesto dealt with some of this, but not enough. Clearly our past Govts have given this short shrift. We tend to take our blessings for granted.

    Maxwell, who I dont always agree with, makes the good point that we are busy chasing after the status quo, when things may well change significantly in the next few years. If the weather patterns change, if the developed world goes into econ shock with radically higher oil prices or a financial meltdown, then we would be a day late and a dollar short. This is why I lament the lack of growth and development during the last 2 decades when the world economy saw unprecedented prosperity.

    It may well be likely that we start to get serious now, but the world will be collapsing into a shell owing to a secular econ. downturn or any other huge change to the prosperous status quo. There needs to be greater strategic planning for a NEGATIVE global econ. envirnoment and a negative physical environment as well. We cant assume that the current benign conditions will last.

    I like Maxwell's idea of food security through self-sufficiency and develpment that does not impinge on our natural ecology. For all we know, in 10 years, fresh, clean water may become MORE expensive than oil or computer chips!!! We should make sure that projects do NOT adversely impact our prime agro lands, our coastlines, our water sources and our natural beaty spots. In times of crisis (recall Gilbert) we need to recall how important water access is.

    While we pine away for the info age and all its glamour, we must recall that the basics are the foundation. Fresh water, fertile soil and a optimistic and healthy population are the MOST important and fundamental things.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Willi View Post
    What I would like to remind people of is the Maxwell article about development that protect our natural assets.

    The JLP manifesto dealt with some of this, but not enough. Clearly our past Govts have given this short shrift. We tend to take our blessings for granted.

    Maxwell, who I dont always agree with, makes the good point that we are busy chasing after the status quo, when things may well change significantly in the next few years. If the weather patterns change, if the developed world goes into econ shock with radically higher oil prices or a financial meltdown, then we would be a day late and a dollar short. This is why I lament the lack of growth and development during the last 2 decades when the world economy saw unprecedented prosperity.

    It may well be likely that we start to get serious now, but the world will be collapsing into a shell owing to a secular econ. downturn or any other huge change to the prosperous status quo. There needs to be greater strategic planning for a NEGATIVE global econ. envirnoment and a negative physical environment as well. We cant assume that the current benign conditions will last.

    I like Maxwell's idea of food security through self-sufficiency and develpment that does not impinge on our natural ecology. For all we know, in 10 years, fresh, clean water may become MORE expensive than oil or computer chips!!! We should make sure that projects do NOT adversely impact our prime agro lands, our coastlines, our water sources and our natural beaty spots. In times of crisis (recall Gilbert) we need to recall how important water access is.

    While we pine away for the info age and all its glamour, we must recall that the basics are the foundation. Fresh water, fertile soil and a optimistic and healthy population are the MOST important and fundamental things.

    Yuh deh pan pint, sah!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Karl View Post

      Yuh deh pan pint, sah!
      BG has made the pledge that if he does win, he will work closely with the opposition, ie Portia to move Jam. forward. If he is serious about this, then we have reason to celebrate, as I do feel that the world economy is de for a correction and that things will not be rosy. We will need to have unity of purpose and pull together in the same boat for Jam. to come out relatively ahead.

      We will have less tolerance for slackers on both sides, as it will require all hands on deck to dig us out of 2 holes, one of our own making (our present laggard status) and the general one that may afllict the entire planet. We have the tools, we have the natural advantages, but do we have the will? I suspect that adversity may force us to "see the light".
      Last edited by Willi; August 6, 2007, 11:47 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Willi View Post
        BG has made the pledge that if he does win, he will work closely with the opposition, ie Portia to move Jam. forward. If he is serious about this, then we have reason to celebrate, as I do feel that the world economy is de for a correction and that things will not be rosy. We will need to have unity of purpose and pull together in the same boat for Jam. to come out relatively ahead.

        We will have less tolerance for slackers on both sides, as it will require all hands on deck to dig us out of 2 holes, one of our own making (our present laggard status) and the general one that make afllict the entire planet. We have the tools, we have the natural advantages, but do we have the will? I suspect that adversity may force us to "see the light".
        I think we are moving closer to working together in more areas. I hope you also think and believe that Portia will, if she wins, stretch forth her
        hand(s) to the opposition...indeed, reach out to all our people.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          I think we are moving closer to working together in more areas. I hope you also think and believe that Portia will, if she wins, stretch forth her
          hand(s) to the opposition...indeed, reach out to all our people.

          I hold P. in a MUCH higher esteem than PJ.

          If she wins, she will definitely be more co-operative and conciliatory, but I dont think BG will survive a defeat. Whoever succeeds BG will hopefully respond positively to such a gesture.

          PSM will be making many changes if she wins. There will be some housecleaning, etc.

          My problem with her is DEPTH and commitment to purpose. Not sure of the competence level of her team, esp. if it is saddled with much baggage from the past. She has not shown much in her stint so far, and I understand that some of that is real-politik, but still, she has floundered on some basic points like Trafigura handling!!! There is no excuse for heads not rolling to set example. Had she done that, then she would have won many indep. votes.

          Alternately, one of the things to watch for in the first year of a BG govt is how Tivoli is handled. My intuition tell me that the dismantling will start there with the carrot and the stick. There will be goodies like housing and infrastructure devt for the constituency, while the rule of law will be IMPOSED ther with the full weight of the State. After this, BG will be free to clean up PNP garrisons and will have the support of MOST Jakans. The cynicism excuse will be eliminated by him plucking the log out of his own eye first. He can uniquely do this as he is the MP and PM at the same time.

          Why would he want to do this? 3 reasons.

          First, I mentioned in another post that he has no stomach for it anymore and we all know what "it" is. Plus, it give his party no advantage since they are outnumbered garrison wise.

          Second, LEGACY. Imagine being the one to clean up this mess and resorting sanity? He would go down in Jam political history just for that!

          Third, This has the added advantage of making the country MORE governable and give his development plans a chance to succeed. Meaningful development (of which Growth is just one element) has scant chance of success in a garrisonized culture. The cancer must be excised and the JLP has the most numerical incentive to do it.

          Portia COULD do it too, but honestly, she does not have the seat count incentie and could face greater internl resistsnce from her party in attempting to do so. Additionally, she has shown no inkling to do it, but to be fair she tlks a lot about unity and she may have her hidden plans as well.


          • #6
            "First, I mentioned in another post that he has no stomach for it anymore and we all know what "it" is. Plus, it give his party no advantage since they are outnumbered garrison wise."


            Yuh mekking me laff. From time-to-time reading this Board, I thought only the JLP had GARRISONS. Thanks for the re-education. Dat's why me like read your posts.
            Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
            - Langston Hughes


            • #7

              I kno firsthand how Bruce used to operate, as that was my constituency. i know when he "converted" and saw the result of it. He was simply OVERPOWERED by garrison tactics. Walk with a peace flag into a warzone and you likely get shot, plain and simple.

              BG get smart, adopted a new strategy by controlling things from the inside, marginalizing the warriors (though not getting in their way too much...PJ style), enduring the barrage (look at how 2 of his activists have been taken out so far...but he holding strain), and doing his best to get in power. If he gets in, I tell U JLP and PNP dollyhouse MASH UP. He is still more NDM than JLPNP!!!!! LoL

              He looking to radically alter the political landscape as that is his only long term chance of success. Otherwise, as unloved as he is, he would lead a one-term Govt. I would imagine that even in Tivoli, he is far less popular than Seaga and could not rely on absloute loyalty from them for 5 years with Seaga being close to Portia and still holding malice with him

              To me I see the strategic imperative for the degarrisonization...starting with TIVOLI. Shhh, dont spread it too much and alert the clueless, as the upside is that all Jakans will benefit.

