When black and latino children were and are being slaughtered by guns, president Trump picks on Chicago as to why more guns are needed for "good citizens" we cant see or hear any uproar from the caucasian public , but as soon as a middle class white -mixed jewish neighbourhood gets hit with a tradegy with "guns" we have a movement of change that should be taken seriously.
The same with the war on weed, as soon as arrests and profits start affecting the suburbs " white kids" denying them jobs and college education by the criminalization laws , we get this change ?
Is it me or just a coincidence ?
Lets be real, I feel for those families and kids but where were they when our community needed them, to feel for us ?

The same with the war on weed, as soon as arrests and profits start affecting the suburbs " white kids" denying them jobs and college education by the criminalization laws , we get this change ?
Is it me or just a coincidence ?
