I can't,what level of journalism is this,this is a Claffy special,Dem man yah buy Dem job😆🤣😲
Di bredda list other factors,i.e unemployment and idleness and zeroes on ganja as ( the) factor.So if they were employed would they be commiting crimes if smoking ganja
?Case study 1- If they were not idle would they be commiting crimes,?
Case Study 2- If ganja was in use while employed would they be commiting crimes,if ganja was in use while not being idle would crimes be committed?
In the past the Wacko's would argue when ganja was illegal,it's use is proof that crimes we're being committed CC Martin Luther King about just laws to understand the psychosis of the rational.i.e justified criminalization.
The science has proven in other states and nation's that the decriminalization in some cases legalization, there has been a decrease in crime,which would lead one to question if the author believes Jamaicans have a ganja Gene that makes them prone to commiting crimes.
This man is an,Do they read about the science of ganja.That includes the social !
I can't,what level of journalism is this,this is a Claffy special,Dem man yah buy Dem job😆🤣😲
Di bredda list other factors,i.e unemployment and idleness and zeroes on ganja as ( the) factor.So if they were employed would they be commiting crimes if smoking ganja

Case Study 2- If ganja was in use while employed would they be commiting crimes,if ganja was in use while not being idle would crimes be committed?
In the past the Wacko's would argue when ganja was illegal,it's use is proof that crimes we're being committed CC Martin Luther King about just laws to understand the psychosis of the rational.i.e justified criminalization.
The science has proven in other states and nation's that the decriminalization in some cases legalization, there has been a decrease in crime,which would lead one to question if the author believes Jamaicans have a ganja Gene that makes them prone to commiting crimes.
This man is an,Do they read about the science of ganja.That includes the social !