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'Fit to be raped!'

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  • 'Fit to be raped!'

    I write with much disappointment in my heart. Just when you thought that our political leaders could not sink any lower, they establish new lows.
    Listening to Prime Time News on TVJ on the evening of July 30 was an embarrassment. Desmond McKenzie, in his response to Roger Clarke, stated that ' "He (Clarke) is not fit to be raped".
    I would like to ask, is anyone fit to be raped? Is it a punishment or [COLOR=black! important][COLOR=black! important]reward[/COLOR][/COLOR]? This comment is a setback to all those who fight for rape victims in our society.
    Why make such a crass, nasty and unbelievably illiterate statement? Shame on you, Desmond McKenzie (and Bruce Golding for standing on the same platform).
    You do not win points by sinking to the depth of your opponent. As a woman, you will never have my vote!
    - Andrea Richards,Kingston 10, Via Go-Jamaica
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Originally posted by Lazie View Post

    I write with much disappointment in my heart. Just when you thought that our political leaders could not sink any lower, they establish new lows.
    Listening to Prime Time News on TVJ on the evening of July 30 was an embarrassment. Desmond McKenzie, in his response to Roger Clarke, stated that ' "He (Clarke) is not fit to be raped".
    I would like to ask, is anyone fit to be raped? Is it a punishment or [COLOR=black! important][COLOR=black! important]reward[/COLOR][/COLOR]? This comment is a setback to all those who fight for rape victims in our society.
    Why make such a crass, nasty and unbelievably illiterate statement? Shame on you, Desmond McKenzie (and Bruce Golding for standing on the same platform).
    You do not win points by sinking to the depth of your opponent. As a woman, you will never have my vote!
    - Andrea Richards,Kingston 10, Via Go-Jamaica

    Both the initial attack and the response were deplorable. Portia and BG need to step in and upbraid the culprits.

    The more I think of it, we Jamaicans are just uncontrollable. I mean, do these people use their brains? Clearly these vibes masterss are more like vibe midgets. Class and grace are missing.


    • #3
      August 1, 2007

      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #4
        r*&^%$ c(*&!

        A wha dis faada!?



        • #5
          It is fitting though, no true? Two big man a trace one a neddah, might as well put them in frock and high heel
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #6
            But look 'ow di minister bend ov...mek mi tek dis phone call.



            • #7
              what sick is they don't understand their choice of metaphors. In a county where rape is not uncommon we should choose our words more carefully.

