"Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)
As mi NY Comrade bredrin seh...all this is easy to pay for.
BG just needs to concentrate on reducing crime and dropping income tax. he increase in property taxes alone coming from skyrocketing appraisal values will tek care of it all. Couple that with a business friendly environment and sound governance and traction can be gained.
Really, if the manifesto is apporached in a logical and timely manner, it appears to be a workable plan. The time frame is more like 10 years for nuff of it though.
The debates should be surrounding the evaluation of whether the JLP team is up to the task of managing this transformation...not about petty jibes or kneejerk soundbites like too many promises, etc. Jamaica needs all I see in the manifesto AND MORE. I agree with the Gleaner editorial that the skills training component needs beefing up.