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  • #16
    What is your cut, Ben? Send me a personal message if you choose.



    • #17
      She was relelvant when she used to cuss the PNP?



      • #18
        Originally posted by Jawge View Post
        See and this one of
        the very dangers of the JLP. I know that bruce doesn't believe in development it's all about getting and taking a cut.

        U have the nerve to say this after Mr 10% Lawrence?

        U know what we have had to endure for over 15 years???


        • #19
          Dawn seems to have a vendetta going. Perhaps she is Seaga's surrogate?

          Dawn Ritch owes Golding family an apology

          Monday, July 23, 2007

          Dear Editor,
          Kindly grant me space in your newspaper to publish the attached letter which was sent to The Gleaner on July 9, 2007, and which they acknowledged receiving on July 10. For reasons best known to them, they have not published the letter to date. I believe it is in the public's interest for the letter to be published:

          "As the eldest child of the late Tacius Golding, I am deeply offended by the vicious libel directed at my father by the Gleaner columnist Dawn Ritch in her article published on July 8. As part of her weekly litany of personal attacks on my brother, she crassly fabricated the view that "Sir Alexander Bustamante must be turning in his grave, especially since he placed no trust in Golding's father."
          Unfortunately, those who were close to "The Chief" and could have refuted this wild allegation are nearly all deceased. However, for those too young to remember or too bigoted to concede, let me remind them that Tacius Golding was a distinguished educator and long-serving member of the House of Representatives for West St Catherine, later South-West St Catherine, from 1949 until his retirement in 1972.
          He was a close associate of Sir Alexander Bustamante and was rewarded after Independence for his trustworthiness, even-handedness and sheer decency by his appointment as the first speaker of the House in post-Independence Jamaica. My father died after a long illness in 1995.
          In the interest of fair journalism, I request of you, Sir, that you instruct your columnist to provide credible evidence to substantiate her slanderous and posthumous attack on my father. If she is unable to do so, I expect nothing short of a full apology to the Golding family.
          I have personally known Miss Ritch's family for over 40 years and found her late father to be an exceptionally decent and honourable man. He must be turning in his grave at his daughter's deviance and reckless departure from old-fashioned honesty and good taste."
          Dr Trevor N Golding
          23 Paddington Terrace
          Kingston 6


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
            "subterranean holding cells prepared" - would those be part of the 25,000 houses that Bruce built?
            I know material is lacking for criticism on Bruce but damn... nuh mek it look suh bad..


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              What is your cut, Ben? Send me a personal message if you choose.
              Mi cut is the satisfaction of seeing the Nation's 'rapists' get their comeuppance after 18 years of Leggo Beast behaviour..

              Di arrogance alone mek yuh stomach turn..


              • #22
                "I know material is lacking for criticism on Bruce..."

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #23
                  Pound of flesh is another very poor choice of anology, if you go back and check the original text, Shylock could not guarantee he would take the exact pound and no more so there was no extraction at all...
                  Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                  Che Guevara.


                  • #24
                    Actually I heard the Communism rhetoric on the JLP platform in Sav on Sunday..talk bout watch out for DK, the idiotic Counsellor even mention the long dead Tony Spalding...
                    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                    Che Guevara.

