Independent Central Bank
Transform the Bank of Jamaica into an independent central bank insulated from political direction and with sole responsibility for monetary policy and mandated to maintain domestic price stability. This will enhance investor confidence with the assurance that the central bank can no longer be used to facilitate reckless, politically expedient fiscal decisions. The Governor of the Bank will be required to appear before the appropriate committee of Parliament twice per year to outline and report on the policies being pursued to fulfill its mandate. (JLP Manifesto)
Mi notice Sickko and co. a hopscotch round serious issues. Unuh have any anything of substance to say about what is being proposed? Or unuh a wait pon a PNP response before unuh can talk?
Mi notice Sickko and co. a hopscotch round serious issues. Unuh have any anything of substance to say about what is being proposed? Or unuh a wait pon a PNP response before unuh can talk?