the site. I know you were busy on the camapign trail and all. It's sad to see Brucie buckling so quickly under pressure. Why? before he had a free reign to say what he wanted (when he was conducting his own campaign) now that the real deal is on, Brucie is calling nanny P names implying she is a go - go dancer. I seriously expected better from him. If what Bricky said of Pearnel is true then it's just a disgrace. It means these guys couldn't last in the corporate arena around women here. They would be baited and destroyed. I guess it's still okay in Ja to verbally abuse women, belittle them; with no consequence or remorse.
What's wrong with NannyP's dancing? I saw Bill Clinton playing his sax and dancing on the campaign trail (to warm the crowd) and most if not all posters here loved it. Suddenly campaigning is not about entertaining. says Who? Please it's a little of that too. If Brucie can't warm the crowd, he should find other ways of doing it and stop the name calling. It's sad when I see karl posting pointers
Like it or not you are dealing with people and you have to know how to charm them. Even the best of intellects want some song and dance with the issues.
What's wrong with NannyP's dancing? I saw Bill Clinton playing his sax and dancing on the campaign trail (to warm the crowd) and most if not all posters here loved it. Suddenly campaigning is not about entertaining. says Who? Please it's a little of that too. If Brucie can't warm the crowd, he should find other ways of doing it and stop the name calling. It's sad when I see karl posting pointers
