Burke's piece on Mr Middleton...It should stir some memories of yours 
It all comes out in the wash
Thursday, March 23, 2017 t
The Welshman William Haydn Middleton, who was headmaster of Jamaica College (JC) from 1965 to 1970, died on February 25. He was approaching his 92nd birthday, which he would have reached yesterday had he lived. Students in his time as JC headmaster who served or still serve in Jamaica’s legislature include Bruce Golding, Dr Peter Phillips, Thomas Tavares-Finson, and Lambert Brown.
I was in second form and a boarder when Middleton took over as headmaster. On his very first morning we heard his new rules. No boy would henceforth be allowed to ride bicycles on the compound. Each day student was to dismount the bicycle at the gate and walk in with the bicycle. No parent or guardian of any day student could drive into JC in the mornings. They were to alight the cars at the gate.
Bruce Golding was head boy of JC in the academic year 1965-66. At no time was there a contest between Golding and Peter Phillips for head boy. Phillips was not a prefect that year at all and, in fact, is two years younger than Golding.

It all comes out in the wash
Thursday, March 23, 2017 t
The Welshman William Haydn Middleton, who was headmaster of Jamaica College (JC) from 1965 to 1970, died on February 25. He was approaching his 92nd birthday, which he would have reached yesterday had he lived. Students in his time as JC headmaster who served or still serve in Jamaica’s legislature include Bruce Golding, Dr Peter Phillips, Thomas Tavares-Finson, and Lambert Brown.
I was in second form and a boarder when Middleton took over as headmaster. On his very first morning we heard his new rules. No boy would henceforth be allowed to ride bicycles on the compound. Each day student was to dismount the bicycle at the gate and walk in with the bicycle. No parent or guardian of any day student could drive into JC in the mornings. They were to alight the cars at the gate.
Bruce Golding was head boy of JC in the academic year 1965-66. At no time was there a contest between Golding and Peter Phillips for head boy. Phillips was not a prefect that year at all and, in fact, is two years younger than Golding.