Too black to be Trinidad's prime minister
Friday, February 07, 2014 | 1:22 PM
Dr Keith Rowley
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad - Dr Keith Rowley’s dark skin was cited as the only ground of “objection” to his leading Trinidad and Tobago as prime minister, former sena*tor Fitzgerald Hinds said on Wednesday night.
Speaking at a People’s National Movement (PNM) meeting at Belmont Secondary School, held in support of the political leader’s can**di*dacy, Hinds said: “I know this would break your heart but I will tell you this. One day, at about 1.30 p.m., I was walking through the streets of Port of Spain and I spoke to a former minister of government from a PNM cabinet. And he told me something that troubled me deeply, almost broke my heart, and I am a tough man.
“He said to me that he had just come from a meeting with a couple of other former ministers and some businessmen, and they were all ’round the lunch table and agreed that Dr Rowley had done an excellent job as political leader for the PNM for the last three years.... They thought he did a great job. And told me shockingly that the only issue that came up in objection was that we had never had such a dark-skinned prime minister.”