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Creating a Business Culture from High School..if not before

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  • Creating a Business Culture from High School..if not before

    .... And literally breeding entrepreneurs and fostering business development. High School years are far too valuable to be wasted merely on rote learning, swotting and doing standardized tests of dubious 21st Century value

    Finland take a bow -- Nuff props

    JA may be on the way via WhizzyLabs™ & WhizzyNet™ should Jah bless

    Opening a Startup High School in Finland

    There are several program-specific high schools in Finland which specialize in subjects such as visual arts, music, sports and drama. During the course of Fall 2017 a new high school will be established specializing in startup culture. The founders of the idea consist of the founders of startup event Slush, HundrED and educational provider Otava Academy.

    “Regardless of the name, the main focus of the high school is not only in the startup culture. It’s more about wanting to evoke the interest of students and giving them the opportunity of doings great things within a variety of fields. It can be charity, science or art, you name it,” explains Marianne Vikkula, the CEO of Slush.

    One interesting feature of Startup High School is that it isn’t an actual physical building that you attend lectures at. All of the teaching will take place either online or in different learning environments beyond the school gates.
    “Our goal is that every Finnish high school could become a Startup High School in the future. We want every student to be able to attend the lectures at Startup High School despite their physical location,” says Saku Tuominen, the Creative Director of HundrED.
    Last edited by Don1; January 23, 2017, 05:46 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    D1 - I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS!!!! It is RIDICULOUS that the entire world, no matter what your discipline, requires business knowledge. Doctors, lawyers, plumbers, etc. etc. are business people. YET, high schools are STILL not requiring BASIC ACCOUNTING as a requirement. I have seen it here on this forum before, where well meaning people argue "business" not knowing the difference between cash accounting and accrual accounting. It is unbelievable to me, and one of the reasons I think countries that don't fix this will fall behind.
    "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

    X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...


    • #3
      and that is why I say Tourism must be taught in school. Most school teach business but not entrepreneurship, Don't look at tourism as visitors arrival but look at each one of them as client who can expand our production, our market, our employment without even exporting a product.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Paul Marin View Post
        D1 - I HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS!!!! It is RIDICULOUS that the entire world, no matter what your discipline, requires business knowledge. Doctors, lawyers, plumbers, etc. etc. are business people. YET, high schools are STILL not requiring BASIC ACCOUNTING as a requirement. I have seen it here on this forum before, where well meaning people argue "business" not knowing the difference between cash accounting and accrual accounting. It is unbelievable to me, and one of the reasons I think countries that don't fix this will fall behind.
        Accounting is def important if a country wants to create a culture of entrepreneurship.... 1000% agree

        Our programs don't currently have an accounting module. They're all focused on science & technology...ALL with a student competition as the fulcrum to drive excitement and engagement.

        So what we're creating is a culture centered around making valuable 21st century-ready products and services, experience in team building, advanced STEM skills e.g. software programming & engineering design...

        ...i.e. A startup business culture where students compete at a high level nationally & internationally with industry-recognized benchmarking

        Wikkid tings dat...anywhere inna di whirl...much less likkle JA

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

