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Numerology definition...

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  • Numerology definition...

    Not numerology

    Friday, July 20, 2007

    Dear Editor,
    There has been repeated speculation in the press that numerology was the prime minister's method of choosing the dates for nomination day and election day.
    These references are born of ignorance about numerology. Some have even gone so far as to equate numerology with superstition. Nothing could be further from reality.
    Numerology is an ancient science (which is itself nothing more than a branch of thought), originally the sole province of the Hindus, but which became a victim of their bizarre system of castes which mandated that these matters of elitist thought be hidden from the common people. Hence, numerology was lost to civilisation for a very long time.
    Numerology is a science that divines the psychic meanings of numbers (somewhat analogous, but technically superior, to the way astrology treats planetary influences), and has very little to do with counting, with the number of our national heroes, or the number of letters in somebody's name.
    Superstition is a belief that events and things bring good or bad luck (for example, the number 13, a completely innocuous number in numerology, is greatly feared by the superstitious).
    If Mrs Simpson Miller was to have based her decisions on numerology, she would never have chosen a number 8 day (July 8) to make her big announcement, because in numerology the number 8 connotes sorrow, loss and humiliation, and brings the very worst portents of all numerological influences.
    Also, she would not have used a number 7 day as nomination day as, in numerology, the number 7 connotes individualism, independence and originality - all qualities seldom found in party faithfuls. That number also has a very strong influence for change and travel, neither of which ought to be uppermost in the PM's mind just now.
    Finally, since she maintains her love for Jamaica, if she was using numerology, she would never have the election on the 27th of the month (a number 9 day), because the number 9 connotes war and strife and often brings injury by fire or explosion.
    Trust me, numerology was not her raison d'ĂȘtre. If numerology is to be the key, then she would have sealed her own and her party's doom.
    Gordon Robinson

    Numerology or religious symbolism?

    Monday, July 16, 2007

    Dear Editor,
    Numerology is not religious symbolism. Wikepedia (http://en.wikipedia.org) says: "Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.
    Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts. Historians believe that modern numerology is an integration of the teachings from Ancient Babylonia."
    And, in early Christianity (AD 325), "numerology had not found favour with the Christian authority of the day. It was assigned to the field of unapproved beliefs along with astrology and other forms of divination and 'magic'."
    On the other hand, says Wikepedia: "Religious symbolism is the use of symbols, including archetypes, acts, artwork, events, or natural phenomena, by a religion. The symbols help create a resonant mythos that expresses the moral values of the society, the teachings of the religion, creates a sense of solidarity between religious adherents.
    Clearly, the use of numbers or numerology is not the same as paraphrasing the Bible or using hymns.
    What exactly is Portia about?
    David Shani

  • #2
    Could it be Portia as PM is mandated to chose a day when elections will be held and chose her date thinking I need time for my candidates to explain in some detail why she is staying the course?

    Could the matter of chosing a day then boil down to how much time should her candidates need and finally on or about what day of the month decided on being merely playfully playing on the cass-cass about 7s? The fact of the elections being held on the chosen day being of no more importance than if it were one day or a few days earlier or one day or even a few days later? What the hell is all this 'serious' discussion about? ...but, then perhaps it is not serious...??? ...we Jamaicans love our 'laffs'!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Karl View Post
      Could it be Portia as PM is mandated to chose a day when elections will be held and chose her date thinking I need time for my candidates to explain in some detail why she is staying the course?

      Could the matter of chosing a day then boil down to how much time should her candidates need and finally on or about what day of the month decided on being merely playfully playing on the cass-cass about 7s? The fact of the elections being held on the chosen day being of no more importance than if it were one day or a few days earlier or one day or even a few days later? What the hell is all this 'serious' discussion about? ...but, then perhaps it is not serious...??? ...we Jamaicans love our 'laffs'!

      Portia ,made the thing get out of hand. I agree its not serious, but it is SHE who keeps elevating the importance of it.

