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Uncle Sam playing rough! No means no!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Gamma View Post
    Nationwide news .... It's in the papers today as well I believe
    The more I hear about the story I am wondering what's the motive here.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #17
      Bricky the West Indies are in dire in need of a spin bowler. You wasting your talent. Did I read something about a connection to Tivoli. Nah it couldn't be.. Like how Andrew protect him visa quick quick.. Ahh the crime syndicate head tough baba. I am sure I have seen this movie before.


      • #18
        Bricky the West Indies are in dire in need of a spin bowler. You wasting your talent. Did I read something about a connection to Tivoli. Nah it couldn't be.. Like how Andrew protect him visa quick quick.. Ahh the crime syndicate head tough baba. I am sure I have seen this movie before.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Bricktop View Post
          phillip paulwell strikes again
          Well, if you believe Peter Bunting, their administration only gave a "conditional approval." I guess he knows there are those that will quickly believe that claim.

          Does the Jamaican police know how to conduct an investigation? They have been conducting an investigation since when and could not find anything on the directors. Why?

          I heard the former PNP General Sec. last evening and he has certainly shed some light on what is at play here.
          "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


          • #20
            the original acquisition of that telecom licence (even before Caricel or symbiote) was under a cloud if i recall properly.

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #21
              there are allegations of other issues .... involving hauwei and us security concerns ......

              most telecom matters tend to have very deep underlying core issues that are not readily apparent


              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #22
                Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                there are allegations of other issues .... involving hauwei and us security concerns ......

                most telecom matters tend to have very deep underlying core issues that are not readily apparent

                Reading that piece in the Gleaner this morning, it appears Jamaica is caught up in a fight between the sharks. I am also curious if the friendship between Denis Obrien and the Clintons are of any significance in this matter. Certainly a pop corn moment.
                "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                  there are allegations of other issues .... involving hauwei and us security concerns ......

                  most telecom matters tend to have very deep underlying core issues that are not readily apparent

                  You are correct. Telecom is of critical strategic value to any economy. It's wayyy beyond the piddling matters people see occasionally in the press as "news"

                  The USA is at pains to maintain its dominance of global telephony. Attempts at "independence" in communications will be frowned upon...and in the right circumstances...SQUASHED FORTHWITH. This is done under the guise of "maintaining freedom" Yes ..quite contradictory constructs.

                  But that's how geopolitics is

                  This is how that "communications freedom" issue is made manifest by the USA:

                  * ALL national telecom networks globally are subject to bugging by US security services. Mi tell unnu dat lang time. Now dat Snowden reveal dat some ah unnu yahsuh likkle more informed on dat matter

                  * Thru the old time Bell system...the world's telecom infrastructure ...was built to suit the USA and its 5-Eye Anglo-Saxon partners i.e. UK, Canada, Australia & New Zealand. That cabal shares the info from global bugging of telephony

                  * The international telephone/internet system (deep sea cables, satcom networks) is built so that a huge majority of traffic is switched thru the US or on US infrastructure before being directed to final destination. So if for example Jamaicans are calling/messaging Europe/Africa/Asia etc...all those comms are carried at some point on US lines and subject to interdiction or monitoring. The same is true for virtually all countries.

                  Some countries do have their own international transport system --Russia, China, Western Europe -- but all will be bugged in some fashion. The only solution to that is 256 bit encryption end to end. Coming up: quantum computing & data encryption...supposedly unbreakable

                  So when Obama claims (as in the Russia hacking imbroglio) that the US has capabilities in cyber-warfare beyond any other actor...the above system is what he's alluding to

                  Regarding that cyber issue though..since the detection capabilities are so enormously comprehensive & pervasive...why didn't they detect the supposed Russian cyber attacks in real time??? Are Russian mathematicians & hackers so great??

                  Mebbe The Donald will let inquiring minds know the deal. Could be a false flag op orchestrated by Hillary's neo-liberal losers to sidetrack The Donald
                  Last edited by Don1; January 5, 2017, 11:16 AM.

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #24
                    yeah something that is was not paid for and Paulwell had to take it back under pressure.

                    I remember a few months ago opposition was asking questions about the license and Paulwell pretty much tell them to ease off.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

