...discover that they have been conned.
Lock Up Hillary!!!....Umm, I was just kidding.
Drain the Swamp!!!.....actually not really.
Bring Back Coal Jobs!!!.....Not happenning.
Send Back Illegal Immigrants!!!!.....Hmm....about that...just a catch phrase
Build a Wall and Mexico Pays For It!!......might have been a little hyperbole there.
Seeing a pattern here? Usually the public has to wait a few years before they realize everything promised in the campaign was a lie. Trump supporters get to face that reality before he even takes office.
Todd Zolak
Lock Up Hillary!!!....Umm, I was just kidding.
Drain the Swamp!!!.....actually not really.
Bring Back Coal Jobs!!!.....Not happenning.
Send Back Illegal Immigrants!!!!.....Hmm....about that...just a catch phrase
Build a Wall and Mexico Pays For It!!......might have been a little hyperbole there.
Seeing a pattern here? Usually the public has to wait a few years before they realize everything promised in the campaign was a lie. Trump supporters get to face that reality before he even takes office.
Todd Zolak