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IMO, The most critical

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  • IMO, The most critical

    issue of our time; Trump may very well end up fcuking us all!

    Good-bye and good night!

    Let us all pray.
    Peter R

  • #2
    I forgot to paste some links:


    Peter R


    • #3
      There is some solace in knowing we will collectively be screwed,what I am more concerned about is the consequences that are tailored.
      Trump was endorsed by many of the police associations across the country,I expect a rise in fatalities for unarmed people of my race coming into contact with police officers.
      I expect an increase in the already unjustified incarceration rate..


      • #4
        Originally posted by Peter R View Post
        issue of our time; Trump may very well end up fcuking us all!

        Good-bye and good night!

        Let us all pray.
        I have a bad habit in looking at things from the ^glass half-full^ perspective.

        It took me about 1 hour to mope the democratic loss. Life goes on.

        The probability that Trump positively impact the overall economy and other areas is not zero.............

        My major concern is the wing nut whites view his election as the green light to attack minority groups. Same with the police.
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          Same here HL. We are in an uncertain time for sure, not just the US but the world. However I am not convinced that we necessarily are headed for Armageddon.

          I hope those that do expect disaster, like the protestors in the big cities, will find the cause they are passionate and fearful about and fight hard for it. Climate change is certainly as worthy a cause as any.

          I suspect that by next week most will be back to watching the Kardashians and the NFL though.
          Last edited by Islandman; November 11, 2016, 08:11 AM.
          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


          • #6
            Noam Chomsky in agreement with me...
            if this is true.

            Peter R


            • #7
              HL fear means people spend less.

              Trillions of dollars in tax cut mostly for wealthy folks mean cut in education, social program or higher taxes.

              Been undiplomatic means ****ing of people who buy from you and trade with.

              This was Trump before the election
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                Too many absolute statements here. Fear can cause people to spend more OR less, it just depends on the type of fear they have and how long it lasts.

                If it is one thing we should have learned is that we can't be confident about how anything will turn out. 4 weeks ago all the talk was that Trump can't win, the Republican Party is about to destroy itself, Tea Party is buried, Dems might win everything and Hillary more than 400 electoral votes.

                Look where we are today. Trump as president-elect, Republicans running everything with Tea party extremists like Bannon taking over the White House itself, Democrats totally gutted and not knowing what to do next.

                We don't really know as much as we think we do. My suggestion is to always ask yourself the question..."But what if I am wrong?" as that opens up you mind to other possibilities.
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  yeah but history tells a lot. look at the last 2 republican presidents and see how the economy went dispite tax cuts. The president elect himself is on record predicting a recession regardless who is elected. Some Republicans have a way of thinking cutting tax alone will solve all our economic problems.

                  Yes we all know what we know but I thought it is most likely that we have a recession in the next four years regardless of who win. The type of fear I am talking about is the fear that minorities have, you think this will result in them spending extra in the short run?

                  Fact is we can't predict anything and I was just responding to you and HL that there is another view out there. We will eventually see. If I am wrong all praise to Trump but we will see. One thing for certain is Americans have short memory and when the economy is good they tend to take it for granted and forget about it.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    Tax cutting alone can't solve deep rooted economic problems unless the taxes were very high to begin with, which they aren't right now. However tax increases and expanded govt spending isn't a guaranteed solution either. These are both tools that can be used, in some situations they work better than others. Political people swear blind by one or the other mostly because of ideology but it is never a straightforward thing.

                    Interestingly enough Trump plans to do both, he says he will cut taxes and increase govt speding on infrastructure, etc. What this means is that for sure the deficit will soar, so I guess he is betting that the economic activity generated will offset the debt created. Risky but that is Trump, we will have to see how far he is allowed to go with this.

                    I don't really see how the fear that many minorities have of Trump will cause them to spend less. They mostly spend on necessities, not on luxuries. I expect that spending by this demographic will continue to depend on how the economy is doing for them, not on what Trump is saying about them. Right now the economy is bad for them, just as it is bad for the working class whites. When Don1 posted some stats showing that things have not improved economically for African-Americans under Obama it was dismissed, but by some indicators it is true. That isn't Obamas fault necessarily, its because far too many of us HAVE NO EMPLOYABLE SKILLS for a 21st century economy but it probably explains in part why many of them stayed at home this time around.
                    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                    • #11
                      Show me where the stats was dismissed. It is one thing to throw insult with the stats which is usually done. One things with having no skills. One of the ways to acquire skill is to get a job and because of the lack of opportunities why black kids are in such a bad state. No doubt that better education and skill training also help.

                      The kind of spending I am talking about is the bigger spending, people putting off vacation and buying big ticket items such as cars and household items as they are not sure what is happening and immigrants send more money home as they think and wait and watch.

                      Yes Trump is the declared "King of debt"
                      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

